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Disclaimer: I do NOT own ATLA and I never will! I wrote this fan fiction for fun, and because it was screaming to get out. Please don't sue me!

(A/N: This fic is rated R because I'm paranoid. If you read this you should at least be relatively mature.)


In the end, Ozai fell, along with his daughter. Aang defeated the Fire Lord, and Zuko (with some help from Katara) defeated his sister. The world was saved. 

The Gaang split up afterward, sadly. Sokka married Suki soon after their victory and settled down with her. Toph aimed to travel around the world. Aang simply wanted to bring back the air benders, but he also wanted a peice of his childhood back. In a way, when he defeated Ozai, he was only a child. He needed time to fully become a man.

Zuko became Fire Lord and began the search for his mother. As for Katara, she went home. She knew Aang wasn't old enough to be sure of his feelings for her, and she was more of a mother figure for him, at least in her eyes. 

Basically, when they made out, she felt like a pedophile. He was (technically) like twelve, and she was fifteen. 

But every year on the anniversary of Ozai's defeat, they got together for a celebration in the Fire Nation.


Toph sighed. She missed her friends, she really did, but she really didn't want to travel to the Fire Nation today. What was so important about the third anniversary of beating the bending out of a guy with mental issues anyway? Though she did wish to speak to Katara again.

Which reminded her, after her and Sparky's fight with Crazy, she was different somehow. Her heart was going wild, but when Toph asked her about the fight, Katara left something out. She only quickly explained that they fought, Azula shot him in the chest with lightning, and she healed him. The End.

Yea, Toph knew she was hiding something. Maybe it had to do with how her heart sped up whenever Zuko came anywhere near her.

Hm. Yea. Maybe.

Whatever the deal was, it hadn't gone away in the past few years. It even seemed to get worse, as after Mai left Zuko not even after a year, his heart began acting the same way.

As she packed, she allowed herself to think about why she was so far away from everything and everyone. To be honest with herself, she was running away.

Not only from her past, but from people, or more importantly, Aang.

She didn't like to listen to his heart beat wildly whenever Sugar Queen was near. She didn't know why, but it made her feel sick. She didn't want to hear about his marriage plans, or about the children he was going to have, so she ran.

And that might, sorta, kinda be a bit of the reason she didn't want to go to the celebration.

Just a little bit though! She sighed again and slung her pack onto her back. She'd just have to deal with it then, and hopefully she'd have some fun this year.


At sunset when the celebration began, the Gaang was seated in the front row of and outdoor theater. Sokka sat with Suki who was wearing a dress to fit her now swollen belly, Katara and Toph were wearing fire nation kimono, Zuko was in more casual fire nation garb, and Aang was wearing formal airbender attire. Though they didn't know why they were out there until a ridiculous circus looking man came onto the stage and explained.

"Today is a wondrous day!" he exclaimed in a slightly feminine voice. "And on this wondrous day, we have prepared for the Avatar and his friends, his grand tale!" he paused, smiling with shining eyes. "Not the entirety, but I do hope you all enjoy." 

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