Chapter 17

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  The sun was low in the sky casting a orange hue over the land, the early twilight was beautiful and the twisting shadows were strangely calming to watch, all was peaceful except for [Y/n]'s mind. She had eventually crawled up off the floor after passing out from exhaustion and found herself to be in the late afternoon. It was frustrating to say the least, but it made sense seeing how many sleepless nights she was going through, with some anger out of her system however, she should be able to rest. With her mind set on getting home she swiftly navigated herself through the trees and over jagged rocks, with the ever darkening night it was quite the beautiful walk but it was cut short when a slender girl with bloodied blonde hair blocked the path she was going down. [Y/n] stopped and her face twisted into a scowl, she reached for her gun, cocked it and instantly shot at the obstacle- time seemingly slowed down as the [h/c] stared at the fragile looking girl but as soon as the bullet left the barrel she lifted her head revealing a missing eye and a sly smirk and jumped out of the way. Shocked, [Y/n] grabbed her large Damascus knife and lifted it into a defensive position alert for blondie's attack, so much so she barely registered a white haired girl lunging at her with a dagger and just moved back in time but fell into a brunette who raised a fist to hit her but she was able to catch it millimeters from her face. She kicked the brunette in the gut and whipped her head around for any sign of the others. It was definitely a sudden shock to her system because her breathing was frantic and uneven, her grip on the knife tightened as the three girls regained posture and stood at points which surrounded her, she took this time to quickly register their features.
In front of her was the original attacker, she had flat and dirty blonde hair that reached her waist, her right eye was missing and a heavy bruise surrounded it with blood dripping from the wound the other was a light hazel colour, she was tall and slender and wore a white dress that came to below her knees and was covered in stains. Her skin was a dull grey and her skin seemed slightly decayed.
To her left was the girl with white hair that was soaked with blood, her eyes had a red hue to them but looked as though they were originally brown, she was shorter but still of a slender frame, she wore a maroon skirt with black leggings underneath and had a turtle neck black sweater, again her skin was grey and slightly decayed. But her most noticeable feature was the huge hole that was in the middle of her chest with other pieces of skin stitched to it trying (and failing miserably) to close it over.
Finally, to her right was the brunette, her hair was all over the place and greasy reaching to her shoulder blades, her dark blue eyes were dull and seemed to be in a constant glare, she was in between the others in height and seemed to be a lot more frail and undernourished, the blue jeans she wore were covered in red stains, she had a loose black tank top on and a heavy leather jacket over top. Once again her skin was a light grey, early stages of decay, but she was littered head to toe with slashes and lashings, some were bandaged but blood seemed to continue to poor from them like they were fresh.
To cut the silence, [Y/n] spoke first, "So who the hell are you guys?" She spat her sentence, with a furious glare but they all seemed unaffected, the white haired one even had the nerve to laugh. A beastly growl left her throat but the blonde sighed and lifted her hands in a way of asking her to calm down. Hesitantly, [Y/n] straightened her posture allowing the blonde to speak, "I think it's only fair to tell you our names," Her voice was small and timid, it was also scratchy like she had a sore throat, she continued to speak, "My name is Alastor, I prefer Ali, the brown haired girl is called Adrestia, we call her Raven, and the last one is called Artemis, we call her Luna. Of course, these are not our real names but they were given to us by our master"
{Y/n]'s eyes widened at their names, they were all Greek gods of various meaning;
Alastor - Meaning 'avenger', the name is used to designate any deity or demon who avenges wrongs committed by men. He was known for killing those who wronged him.
Adrestia - "She whom none can escape", she was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite and known to accompany her father Ares to war. She was venerated as a goddess of revolt, just retribution and sublime balance between good and evil.
Artemis - The moon goddess. Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zues and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows.
The names must relate back to what they wish to do on this earth. Ridding herself of unnecessary thoughts she regained herself and spoke up in her usual confident tone, "Well Ali, Raven, Luna, I must ask you to leave here immediately or face the consequences." The three girls made no effort to run and at this [Y/n] shrugged and leap into action. She immediately lurched for Luna and punched her in between her collar bones causing her to fly backwards into a tree trunk, Raven's presence appeared right behind her but she flipped herself over the attacker and kicked the side of her head into Ali's body. As if they were unaffected, they all stood up and stared at her with an annoyed expression. All three came at her at the same time and she barely jumped out of the way, feeling her wings rip through her back and lift her further into the air, she looked down at the girls and stared in horror as both Ali and Luna climbed the trees with twisted limbs and jumped successfully grabbing her ankles and dragging her down, as soon as she hit the floor Raven lifted her foot and hit her with full force in the wind pipe. Flying back from the force, she gasped to get her breath back but a harsh kick in her side made her gasp in pain, looking up she saw Luna looking down on her with a small smirk, anger filled her and she brought her head forward and smashed it into Luna's nose watching as she fell back with a grunt. She felt herself losing control of her conscience as the anger swelled up inside of her. She lowered herself into a defensive position and prepared herself.

Meanwhile, back in the manor, Slender sat in his office, surrounded by books and scattered pieces of paper. Through all of these weeks he had been searching and searching for ways to stop [Y/n]'s developments, he never expected this fight to come so soon, she only knew her powers but she had never been told the reasons behind them.
Abomination. That is what she is. Well, it is what her soul is, not exactly her physical being. She knew that much but there were millions of years worth of things she didn't know or... forgotten. He wished that he could of told her all of what she had done but he risked having the three worlds destroyed. Heaven, Hell, and Humanity were completely at her will. But she didn't know that anymore. Her soul was older than himself, he compared as a mere child to her being when she ruled supreme and he could still remember the shock he had when she had broken herself down and trusted him to keep her true side at bay for the rest of eternity. A perfect mix between heaven and hell trusting him with what could be oblivion.
It still serves a shock for him to have his own creator trust him with her protection.
His thought's were cut short when small waves of disturbance ripped through his being. He detected three foreign persons and one familiar being. Concentrating further, he found it difficult to focus on who was disturbing his forest, 'Strange, this has never happened before' he thought, with slight worry as a dull ache picked at his skull. He cut the link and stood up, trying to level his head and a few minutes passed before the pain went away, going back to the previous wavelength and to his horror nothing was there but the lingering presence of [Y/n] and his knights.

Luna clenched her teeth and launched toward the demonic looking girl but was swatted away with little effort and as Ali made a more strategic approach she was grabbed by the arm and smashed into a tree successfully snapping it in half. [Y/n] twisted her body around and approached Raven with a murderous glare but fell to her knees when a splitting pain rang through the inside of her skull. It was like multiple low pitched chuckles were right inside her skull and it scratched and slashed causing a horrendous pain, eventually making her ears bleed. She was so caught up with this hellish voices that she didn't sense Raven come towards her with a rock gripped within her hand. The brunette lifted the rock up high and brought it down onto the back of [Y/n]'s skull that it knocked her out instantly, swarming her with a desolate darkness.

What do you think of the extra characters? Do you like them so far? I'm sorry if they share the same name as you, feel free to change them or whatever you want to do :D And btw, the original pictures aren't mine, I simply edited them.  

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