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"you taught me the courage of stars before you left."


     'RIP ADELAIDE ROGERS'  The morbid engraved words on the tombstone felt so surreal in Dick's ocean blue eyes, he couldn't believe he was forced to read them in Gotham's forsaken graveyard. His hands tightly gripped onto the bouquet of maroon stained roses, not wanting to lay them down over her grave. He was aware that putting them in their rightful place would signify the reality of her death, her fiery death that he failed at saving her from.

    Visions of her burned body flashed through his mind when he shut his eyes in an attempt to block the scene laid out in front of him. The bloody paramedics had declared that Adelaide was dead minutes before they made it to her apartments, that the large amount fire had trapped her and consumed her instantly. Though, that didn't stop him from blaming the burning disaster on himself and mentally torturing himself for it.

    Sleepless nights and crying episodes weren't seen as enough of a punishment in his eyes. Dick knew that anything he did wouldn't bring her back, not even the Lazarus Pit. Of course the idea of using the pit had crossed his mind a couple of times, Bruce had managed to talk him out of it. The complications of getting there and the lack of knowledge at how she'd come out were enough to convince him to let her rest in peace while he continuously grieved for her in the solitude of his bedroom.

    "How are you holding up?" The sound of Bruce's booming voice and footsteps pulled him out of his heartbreaking thoughts. His hands almost dropped the flowers when he quickly turned around to face his past mentor, unable to hide the somber expression on his face when they met eyes. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he forced his lips to curve into a smile before nodding his head at him.

    "Great." Dick amateurishly lied, bringing his shoulders up into a shrug and turning back around. A sigh escaped from Bruce as he walked up to the younger male, contemplating his future words before placing a comforting hand on his suited shoulder. Comfort had never been Bruce's forte but for the sake of Dick's feelings, he pushed himself to try harder.

    "Dick-" Bruce started, only to be interrupted by Dick shrugging him off and taking a large step away from him. The action upset Bruce, knowing the severity of Dick's terrible habit of holding in his negative emotions.

    "Seriously, I'm fine." Dick reassured in an annoyed tone. Everyone's constant worry for him since her death had gotten on his nerves. Mostly because he had no idea how to deal with the new situation, especially with everyone smothering him with their own distress for his well being. "It's been weeks, Bruce." It seemed more like he was trying to convince himself that it's been weeks, but Bruce made sure not to point that simple fact out right now.

    Looking over his shoulder at Alfred for help, Bruce walked over to him when he beckoned him over with his hand to the entrance of the graveyard. "I believe Mr.Grayson would like to be left alone for now, Master Bruce." Alfred advised, frowning at the sight of the worn out vigilante. "There is always another chance in the future to try again."

    Nodding, Bruce took one last glance at Dick drop his shoulder before heading over to where they parked in the empty parking lot. His gaze was on Dick as he watched him rest the flowers on top of Adelaide's grave then wipe what appeared to be tears off of his face.


short but effective lmao.
nightwing is one of my favs ughh,
except in Arkham knight in Harley's DLC because hard AF.

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