We watch from the shadows
Watching, always watching
Never seen, never understood
Shades of who we once were
So lost, so miserable
No one remembers us
We're just more scapegoats
Just another hopeless person
Just another shadow among the many
But once, we were not
No longer is that the case
Because of you
So much pain, anguish
You don't care
Our friends wait, but we know
You don't remember
We can wreak havoc in your name
Curse you for your stupidity
Yet still, we remain unknown
For we were so unimportant to you
That moments after you abandon us
We're lost
From history
From life
From everyone
For we are the Forgotten
And we are the only ones who remember
A time of joy, of happiness
That will never again exist
Because you entered our lives
And made us the Forgotten
The Lost
PoezieThe lost. The abandoned. The miserable. The world from our point of view. WARNING-Written in poetical style. If you don't like, don't read.