Chapter Four

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Thanks for all the comments and votes(: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter

"Good morning lovebirds." William grinned. Ella smirked at her brother and Tintin smiled and took her hand.

     As they walked, she noticed how some girls they passed would steal glances at William. Hoping he would look their way. He was quite handsome. His light brown hair was always perfect and he had that dazzlingly smile. She knew why he didn't really date. He had fell in love once when they we're all younger. However, that girl crushed his heart. From then on William decided that he wouldn't date unless found someone really special.
     It's been several years now. Ella silently prayed that he'd find someone. As they neared Marlinspike Hall they all watched as a sleek black car pulled in.

"Looks as though they've just arrived." Tintin said.
  They quickly made their way to the house and saw Captain Haddock standing on the front steps his expression grim. Once the car stopped a woman with blonde hair and wealthy clothing stepped out. Ella suspected that must be Bianca Castafiore herself. Then, right after her came a woman wearing a black dress looking very formal. She unloaded some of the suitcases and Nestor came to assist her.

"Captain Hammock! How I've missed you!"
Bianca voice was so penetrating.

Tintin gave Captain Haddock a look of sympathy. Knowing that he was cringing on the inside. 

Captain Haddock grimaced,"It's Haddock not Hammock."

Bianca seemed to be oblivious and turned to Tintin,William, and Ella.

"Tintin! It's been so long since we've seen each other! Who is this?" Bianca looked at Ella, noticing her swollen stomach and the ring on her left hand that was resting on her stomach.

Tintin smiled, he always loved the opportunity to say it, "Bianca this is Ella, my wife."

She laughed and she exclaimed,"My dear! Tintin I thought I'd never see the day! A married man and a child on the way!"

Ella extended her hand, "It's nice to meet you Bianca."

Bianca took it and then kissed her on both sides of her face. Ella then remembered that people from France greeted like that.

She then turned to William with a large smile,"And who are you?"

William smiled kindly,"William Remington Madam, Ella's older brother."

Bianca nodded,"Very nice to meet you, this is-"
She turned but no one was their,"Laura!" She shrieked.

A girl stepped out of the car. Her dark brown wavy hair was down and her brown eyes scan the book in her hand. Her dress was elegant, navy blue and she was wearing small high heeled shoes that matched. She was rather the opposite to Bianca. Bianca was flashy and loud, and here was the girl that appeared to be absorbed in a novel and she had a elegant style of clothing.
The moment William set eyes on her his stomach flipped.

Her face turned red as she closed her book and made her way over to the rest of the group.

Bianca sighed,"As I was saying, this is my niece, Laura Elizabeth Castafiore. Elizabeth this is William Remington."

Laura looked at her Aunt,"Please call me Laura."

Bianca giggled and advised,"But darling, Elizabeth is so much more sophisticated."

William then shook Laura's hand,"It's nice to meet you, Laura."

Relief quickly flooded her face and she smiled up at him, " It's nice to meet you William."

After all the greeting was done they all went inside. Professor Calculus came in and was happy that Bianca had come. Ella could tell he was very smitten with her.
Everyone made their way into the living room. As they were all seated,  William and Laura almost bumped into one another going different directions.

He blushed, "Sorry."

She smiled,"You're fine."

He sat down and stared down at his hands. He thought to himself, "Why did I blush?"

Bianca Castafiore stood and got everyone's attention,"Friends. I came to invite everyone here to a mystery."

Tintin had a puzzled look,"Wait, what do you mean by mystery?"

She smiled,"Well, it's a train ride. They create a mystery for the people to solve. Perhaps, a fake murder mystery, or their could be a thief. It's all staged."

Ella could see Tintin's immediate interest.

Ella smiled,"That sounds interesting. Where would the train be going?"

"To the city of love, Paris France." Bianca looked over at Captain Haddock.

He quickly looked away and repositioned his hat.

Tintin glanced at Ella,"Do you think you'd want to go? The only thing would be, we don't know when the baby will come."

Ella thought for a moment, then she smiled.

"I think we would be alright. As long as I'm with you."

William glanced over at Laura. His couldn't stop looking at her. He suddenly thought,
She's so beautiful.

Tearing William from his thoughts Laura asked,"Do you think you will go?"

He paused,"Where?"

She smiled," On the train ride, to Paris."

"Yes, I would love too." William grinned.

Bianca walked over, "Elizabeth darling, I believe I'm going to and rest. It's been a long journey."

William noticed Laura's smile fade and she nodded,"Alright, I hope you sleep well."

"Thank you. Why don't you go freshen up. You're looking tired."

Laura stared at her aunt,"What- I feel fine."

Bianca nodded,"Ok, it's your choice."

She left and said goodbye to the others.

Laura wiped a few tears from her eyes. She thought no one noticed, but William did.

She stood,"Well, I suppose I will go-"

William walked with her into the hallway, "Laura, for the record. I think you look very nice."

She smiled kindly,"Thank you William."

"I suppose I will see you soon then?"

She nodded,"Of course."

Later, as everyone left. Tintin and Ella were discussing the trip. However, William's mind was distracted. For the first time in a long time, William felt as though he had found someone truly special.

I hope you guys like this! :) thanks for reading :)

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