027: Lucky Charm

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Troubled With Tattoos

Chapter Twenty Seven

Lucky Charm

I woke up the next morning still hurt about what happened at the dance last night.

I rolled out of bed lazily grabbing my work clothes. The cold tile pressed against my toes causing goosebumps to crawl up my legs. Turning the water to hot, I stripped free of my polka dot pajamas. I hummed along to one of the songs played last night as the warm water invaded my body. I usually took fairly quick showers but I couldn't motivate myself to get out. Why do showers have to be so relaxing? It's probably the only time I get to myself where I can think and keep in touch with my emotions. 

I sighed leaning my forehead against the shower wall hearing a small knock on the door. It creaked open slightly and Cherry's bubbly voice came through the steamy room.

"Hey hun, there's some waffles on the counter for you. You should get ready for work now you only have thirty minutes." She called through the tiny crack she made. I yelled an OK back as I shut off the water. How long was I in there for? I swear it only felt like five minutes. I stepped out of the shower drying myself quickly throwing on my clothes to keep me warm. So much for thinking out my emotions. I fixed my hair doing a french braid that Lizzie taught me. I didn't have the appetite to eat. Before I knew it Aunt Cherry was driving me to the shop.

"I'm closing the shop a little early today so we have enough time to get the groceries before everyone shows up." She said in her usual happy tone.

"For what?" I ask wondering if Cherry was taking a step on the wild side and throwing a party.

"The annual family cookout silly," she chuckled taking a left, "the one we always have. You know there's a baseball game and we have a giant bonfire." Slowly it came back to me, I haven't been to our annual family cookout in years. Knots tied themselves in my stomach as I started to think of what everyone would ask. Why are you living with Cherry? Where are your parents?

"Don't worry hun your parents have no idea it's happening and definitely weren't invited," she assured. But it wasn't so assuring because no excuse like that has ever stopped them before. My parents cut off their family after Ash died. If I was going I better plan on the boys going as well. They wouldn't let me go out without at least one of them. 

"Do you think it's a good idea to have the cookout?" I hesitated to ask. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin family traditions.

"Well, why not hun?" She asked with a bit of confusion.

"After this party, everyone is going to know where I'm living and who I'm with and somehow it's going to get back to my parents." I jumbled out. I was playing with my fingers trying to ease the anxiety that was about to burst out of me.

"You don't have to tell anyone where you're living Vi, you don't have to tell them anything." She said calmly as she pulled into the pet shop. I'm not that quick or witty to come up with lies under pressure.

"Everything will be fine okay?" she said stroking my hand before she got out of the car. She was right, I was being paranoid. I mumbled an okay and followed her inside.

"Where is the party anyway?" I asked just the slightest excited to see everyone.

"Uncle Jim's, he's got a big yard and apparently a brand new grill." she smiled flipping the sign to open. I nodded making my way to the backroom. Uncle Jim must've moved because he used to live in a small cottage deep in the woods. A few hours passed and only a few dogs came through. I was at the reception desk now flipping through a peoples magazine. Oh good, another pregnant celebrity and another divorced couple. The bell above the door dinged as it opened. 

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