Troubled with Tattoos
Chapter Five:
Golden Paw Package
My eyes bugged out of my head as I read off the long list of things we couldn't wear to school in the student handbook; no ripped jeans, jeans with holes, chains or spikes, no hats (beanies are exceptional); nothing shorter than your knees, no tank tops, no shoulders can show, no belly shirts, no shorts, and no flip flops.
"Nobody actually listens to those you know," Lizzie said before she took a giant bite out of her crispy chicken wrap. We made it to lunch, I was halfway through the school day.
"Occasionally we have the unlucky ones who get caught though," Rose pointed out with her fork. My teachers seemed alright, no one too strict. Most of the students here were welcoming and others not so welcoming.
"Should I buy some turtlenecks?" I half joked.
"I would consider." Rose smile watching the lunchroom doors impatiently for her boyfriend. She was wearing a striped sweater with one arm over an empty seat next to her.
On one side of me was Rose, the other side was Lizzie. The people across from me, well I didn't exactly know who they were.
"Do you like it here so far?" Rose asked.
"It's much different from what I expected," I answered honestly.
"Well, what did you expect?" Lizzie asked sipping her juice.
"I don't know the usual high school cliques; the players, the cheerleaders, the bad boys, the jocks who know it all, the nerds and the inbetweeners."
"We have the cliques, they are just less noticeable. The player in our grade is Camden Taylor, and our bad boys all graduated last year. And were the inbetweeners." she chuckled waving her hand at her whole table of girls. At my old school I was with the band geeks and mathletes. Being popular wasn't ever high on my priority list.
I knew it was too good to be true. What's high school without a little drama? The lunchroom was noisy from all the conversations going on, the lunch line was at its end.
A familiar tall guy strutted to the other side of the lunchroom with his tray in his hands. He caught me looking, a smug look was planted on his face and I couldn't help but stare at his rugged good looks. I had only seen his collarbone and up until now.
He waved at me and I waved back. He winked walking over to his table to sit with his back facing me. Rose and Lizzie stared at me like I had five heads, did I do something wrong?
"What?" I asked innocently.
"What are you doing talking to Camden Taylor?!" Lizzie whisper yelled. Camden? As in the player she was just talking about? At least now I know his name instead of referring to him as 'The Fireman'.
"That explains all the pick up lines." I thought out loud. She smacked my arm.
"You don't like him right, please tell me you don't like him," she practically begged.
"We're just friends," I cleared up.
She sighed in relief, "He is no good for the girl population."
"She's just mad because he got her at one point," Rose spat out. Lizzie glared at her and she looked at me for help.
"Anyways, those pick up lines you were talking about, yeah he's famous for those, dont go thinking you're the only one he says them to." she rolled her eyes like it truly bothered her. Lizzies long brown hair was in waves today and light blue eyes looked more green today. She was tall standing five feet and seven inches tall. But, she didn't strike me as the kind of girl who falls for players.

Troubled With Tattoos
Ficção Adolescente❝What if I fall?❞ ❝Then I'll catch you.❞ ❝He was arrogant, obnoxious, funny, cocky, sarcastic, a know it all, a delinquent, a bad influence, yet knowing all these things I still couldn't manage to stay away from him. Something about him just drew m...