004: New School, Old Friend?

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Troubled with Tattoos

Chapter Four:

New School, Old Friend? 

Today was the day. The day I started school in a different town. I wasn't quite sure how Aunt Cherry was going to pull off as being my legal guardian, but she told me not to worry. It is Aunt Cherry after all and she always gets her way.

Like she said numerous times, "I have it all under control." I scrubbed the conditioner out of my hair, leaving a little bit in so it'd be easier to brush through. My thin blonde hair was not what it seemed, it was a beast that was hard to tame in the morning.

I could faintly hear my ring tone coming from my bedroom and I groaned, the last thing I wanted to do was to get out of this shower. I reached for a towel stepping out of the long, hot shower I was in the middle of. I wrapped the towel around myself tightly and headed back into my room.

There was always a slight bit of hope it was my mother calling telling me how sorry she was and how she wanted me back home. But of course this was the real world and things like that just don't happen to me.

 My bare wet feet picked up the dirt off the wooden floors in my room. It was just the alarm I had set that I had forgotten about. Of course it wasn't my friends calling. I tossed my phone onto the bed as I picked out a new outfit for the day. 

I grabbed a pink pair of low cut socks putting on white vans after. My shoes weren't really white anymore, more like a yellow, and my toes reached the end. My shoes were old, but with parents like mine, you don't tend to be spoiled, at least not anymore.

I grabbed the hoodie off of my dresser, throwing my school bag over my shoulders. I took out all my old notes and books knowing I wouldn't need them at this school. The papers were thrown away while the books would have to be returned at some point.

I get along people easily, a lot of people have told im mature for my age. I wondered how I'd make new friends. I would just be keeping secrets from them. My anxiety kicked in and my stomach formed into knots. You'll do fine, just don't make a fool of yourself.

"Are you excited?" The smile that never seemed to leave Aunt Cherry's face appeared once again. I shook my head nervously.

"Aw don't be nervous sweet pea, I worked it out. No one will even recognize you." She insisted pulling me into a reassuring hug. More like a bunch of books and homework.

Her motherly look turned into a sympathetic one and I knew what was coming next.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Just peachy," I mumbled sarcastically. My parents were the first thing that entered my mind every morning and the last one to leave at night. However, they weren't only on my mind when I'm awake, they're in my nightmares too. In fact, they were my nightmares.

"Violet you are one of the strongest people I know. It may not be easy right now but it will be soon." She encouraged. She glanced at her watch gasping at the time. Her hand dove into her fruit bowl nearly knocking it over. She took my hand wrapping my fingers around the apple as she hurried me out of the house.

"The bus will be here any minute, good luck!" She rushed me out, closing the door behind me. I hadn't had enough time to ask what she had meant by that. I walked to the end of her driveway peeking at my phone to check the time. It was going to be embarrassing taking the bus as a senior in highschool while everyone else had their license already.

I glanced up from my bright screen spotting Aunt Cherry waving from the window. I smiled, it felt good to finally feel cared about. It just all seemed temporary to me. I gave her a wave back seeing a yellow bus begin to appear under all the fog.

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