Chapter 3

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That night, I dreamt about the curly-haired mystery that randomly walked into my life. I dreamt that he took me to a funfair where he introduced me to his friend Tate. Once introduced, Tate whispered to me..."Harry talks about you all the time". My face turned as hot as the sun, I used my left hand to slowly fan my embarrassed face. It turned out Harry had told him that he loved me and wanted me all to himself. I looked up to the handsome dimpled-smile friend standing with his hand behind my back. "Let's go" he whispered.

It scared me. I don't want this, I had a normal life with the man I love now all of a sudden this cute-faced dream walked into my life and I begin dreaming about other men. No. I wasn't prepared to let that happen...I needed Dan home as soon as possible.

* * *

It was around 6ish when I realised all I had done all day was washing, I found myself lost without Dan to keep me company. A few minutes later, I received a text from Tash asking me if I wanted to go meet her and her friends at a bar for a drink. I accepted, grabbing my keys and phone before heading out the door. I stepped into my cream mini cooper and drove to the bar where they were navigated.

I stepped into the pub, slowly scanning for my friends when I saw Tash.

"Over here!" He shouted.

I followed the half-empty place round to see her and 3 friends all talking. There was 2 girls and two boys. That was when I noticed..I noticed the dream-invading, curly-haired, charming boy sitting with them.

"Shit" I whispered to myself.

"Something wrong?" Harry smirked, stepping towards me and pulling my coat off my shoulders.

"No nothing. It's just I can't stay long" I switched the conversation to Tash, sitting with the other two that I was introduced to just after.

"Oh no. I wanted everyone back to mine after" she wined.

3 hours later I had 3 drinks in me and I hadn't spoke to Harry once, and to be honest, I didn't want to either. He scared me. The smirks I was receiving from him every time he caught my eye was making me blush.

"Come on Rube you can't drive. You might as well come back to mine?"

"I can't. I'm sorry" I replied.

"Come one. Just one?" Everyone stopped receiving their coats and turned to me for my reply.

"Okay, but just one"

"Yay" I could see the excitement in her eyes. I'm so lucky to have her, I trust her with my life. Then again...I wouldn't know Harry if it wasn't for Tash.

When we got to Tash's, we all sat in her living room. Tash and Niall sat on the sofa having a chat, Saskia was talking to, what i recently found out as her boyfriend Ethan that just arrived, and I was sitting on the floor. My thoughts were vacant as I starred aimlessly into the distance, thinking everything through when Harry sat next to me.

"Why haven't you spoke to me all night?" He asked.

"Err umm" his deep green eyes burned into mine. "I didn't mean to, I've just been busy chatting to Tash" I explained myself, turning to face him.

"I know, I could see that. You saw her yesterday but it seems like youse hadn't seen each other in years" he smirked. I could tell he was holding in a laugh.

I giggled to myself, unsure of what I could reply with. Me and Harry weren't that good friends so it was still in the stage where it's awkward when you first see each other. A couple seconds that felt like minutes passed before he broke the silence.

"So how have you been?" He questioned.

"Fine. The house is a bit lonely without Dan though". Harry's face dropped at the mention of my boyfriends name.

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