Chapter 19

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Ruby's P.O.V

I was really confused just days after I walked out from a smiley harry to hear from him. Normally after something like that, we would not talk for ages, start talking again, argue again and then it would repeat, i never thought in a million years he would get in contact with me. I knew it was a very, very bad decision to lie to my fiancé once again but I needed to see Harry so we can be friends again. The familiar ache I felt without him was breaking me, i needed him in my life again.

During the random phone-call he asked if I wanted to go watch his band perform one afternoon. I said yes as I was dying to hear some of those unfinished beautiful lyrics that had been such a question the past few days. I was also excited to talk to Harry and set everything right.

I wish I could take you to the stars, I'd never let you fall and break your heart

The lyrics were heaven as I walked down the strange hallway and into the rehearsing room where they had already started.

I remember you laughing, so lets just laugh again

I looked around the blue room with pictures of musicians all over the walls. Ahead of me was a glass room, big enough for a drum kit and a rather good-looking band. A large control panel sit in-front of the loud room that contained Harry and the others. It felt weird to be somewhere like that, I really felt like I didn't belong in a place like that; it felt like somewhere celebrities belong, and i'm just a normal person.

"Like it?" Harry came out from the fish-tank-like room and placed a kiss to my cheek.

"It was beautiful"

He giggled, flashing his gorgeous dimples. "I love it when you say that"

My cheeks flushed pink, receiving a small touch to the cheek from Harry's soft fingers.

I didn't even notice the other boys step into the room until we received a awkward cough.

"Hi I'm Liam" he stepped forward, reaching his hand out to shake.

"Ruby" I complied, accepting the friendly gesture.   

"This place is great, how are you paying for it?" I rudely asked.

"Well we've started doing small gigs" Niall proposed: "We'd love it if you'd come to one?"

"I'd love to" Harry's protective hold wrapped round my waist, pulling me closer to his body.

I became very excited when I knew i was going to experience the heart-felt songs performed to a crowd of people, to see all their reactions almost made me emotional.

You & I, Story of my Life and Something great were all played for me before we all dug into the pizza we ordered. Story of my life was the best for me, I just think it spoke to me so much. The eye contact me and Harry held throughout the performance told me there was so much more behind every word, that they aren't just lyrics, they are his thoughts and feelings being thrown out for the world to hear them. And that for me was enough to make me an emotional wreck. But i managed to keep it together.

After the Chicken BBQ pizza, we sat around for another half hour before i left and let the boys carry on. I noticed the little things Harry did that just made me felt so much more at home with all the boys. I hadn't properly met them all before so i was quite nervous and Harry could tell. So just to make me feel a little bit more comfortable, every so often, a hand would be placed on the small of my back. At one point, Harry and I began laughing about a private joke, meaning laughter from only Harry and I flew about the room. It was funny to watch the others' confused looks as we cracked up at stupid things. I really felt like I had my friend back. Now I just have to talk to Dan about all of this.

"Did you have fun today?" Harry asked as he walked me to my car.

"Yeah, the songs were amazing and the boys are such a laugh" I giggled at some of the jokes Louis cracked thought the day.

"Yeah they're fun" he awkwardly coughed into his fist before tugging his hair away from his head. "So you're coming tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind" even though I felt so close to Harry right then, there was a small amount of noticeable awkwardness that began to grow.

"Of course not." There was a small moment of silence as I searched for my keys on my bag and unlocked my Mini Cooper. "Does Dan know you came today?"

So that's why it's awkward. I thought to myself. He was waiting to ask that all day. I didn't know whether to tell him or not. I didn't want him to think my relationship is unstable.

"Yeah" I lie.

"Oh. Good." He awkwardly coughs into another balled fist. "Does he know you're coming tomorrow?"

"I'll tell him when I see him"

"Really?" Harry seemed surprised that i was going to talk to Dan about him, he must've known I was lying.

"Yep" I opened the car door and slid in without giving Harry some sort of goodbye. "See you tomorrow Harry"

I heard a quiet "bye" before I pulled out onto the busy, London roads and away from the curly-haired boy causing my heart-ack.

During the drive home, all i could think about was how happy i was from spending under two hours with Harry. I found it amazing that for the pass week i had been through hell and back but after spending that long with him, i was happy again, I wanted to talk to Tash, I wanted to fix things with Dan. Harry is my only source of possitivity.


I hope you enjoyed the double update! Thank you for all the feedback, i's sorry i haven't been replying to some of it but i willl make sure i do from now on! I've got a week off now so im going to update a few times this week, you can keep updated with my twitter @_5secsofhood! Hope you all had a good christmas x x x

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