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For people wondering, this is still the four months prior from the Prologue :)
Please don't forget to vote & comment ❤️

"I'm not talking about that, Connie," he said, shaking lightly his head and closing his eyes in disapproval.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "you're not playing fair."

"Never said I would."

His tone was silly, nothing to do with his serious expression he put on his face since I asked the tedious question.

"I answered yours, though," I complained.

"Well, I thought you would ask something like if I prefer sushi or pizza."

"I know you prefer pizza. You better prefer pizza," I waved his words off.

He let out a small laugh as I clumsily stood up and looked down at him, waiting for him to do the same.

"Ah, you got me there," He said, also struggling to stand up, "I do prefer pizza," he admitted.

I rolled my eyes at his obvious answer, "who doesn't. Pizza is the best thing ever."

"I know quite a few people who wouldn't agree with that."

"You should make new friends, then." I said, "those who do not like pizza cannot afford to have a friend like you," I joked, laughing slightly.

"My apologies," Harry suddenly bowed in front of me as to give his respects, "could you make me a list of people I shall be friends with?"

"I would, but I don't friends," I said slightly annoyed.

With that, Harry recomposed himself before bursting in laughter, followed by myself.


It was around eight o' clock, two days later he said his apologies, when Harry rushed through my door, making me jump, frightened at his sudden, loud presence.

"You okay?" He asked concerned once he found me sitting on the kitchen counter with wide eyes, ready to eat my precious meal.

"Better question, are you okay?" I asked alarmed at his abrupt bursting into my house.

"Why did you leave your door open?" He asked, ignoring my previous question.

I furrowed my brows, "I must have forgotten to lock it," I explained, "I just got back from work."

"Oh my god," he breathed out as he let his tense arms falling into his sides while he rushed towards me.

Without any warnings, Harry wrapped his arms around me, colliding our chests together as I remained rigid against him before actually returning the gestures, winding my arms behind his back.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice muffled from the cotton of his shirt.

Harry didn't loose his grip on my waist as he withdrew himself a little to look at me. His eyes were still wide open, his usual pink lips were a paler color now, parted as he drew short breaths.

"My dad..."

"Your dad what? What did he do? What happened? Are you alright?" I started hastening, shaking his body to wake him from the state of truce.

"I thought—" he started mumbling the words. He blinked once, refocusing his attention on me, tightening his hold as he did so.

"Hey," I whispered, as I let one of my hands slip to his face, gently caressing the soft skin trying to calm him. "Sit down."

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