The Last Phone Call

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Trigger warning: death. Although, not like its the first time ive written about it in this book.

The blood was pouring from the gash way too fast. I shouldn't have tried to out run them. They had told me if i had stayed put, I wouldn't have been hurt. But, i just had to try. I felt tears prick my eyes and i pulled out my phone. I clicked Murdocs number and the phone began to ring. I was in a dark alley, laying on the cold wet sidewalk. The rainwater mixing with my blood.

" Mm, 'ello?" Murdoc's rough voice answered the phone.

"M-mudz...ey." I tried to keep my voice calm. I could have called 911, but no. I needed to call Murdoc. He was who i needed.

"Where are yea? Yer usually home by now." He sounded slightly irritated.

"Sorrey, ah jus' 'ad somefing 'appen is oll." I apologized. "Ah love yew, Murdoc."

"Whot 'appened, love?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh, yew know. Jus' go' held up a' work...yew mean alo' ta me, Mudz. Fanks fo' 'elping me become a rockstar...fanks fo-" he cut me off.

"Stop yer blabberin' an' ge' home. Ah miss yea." He interrupted.

"Ah wont ge' there soon." I sighed. "Theres alo' goin' on." The pain from the stab wound in my stomach was becoming too much. I saw everything begin to get blurry. "Ah love yew." I forced myself to keep a calm voice.

"Yeah, me to-" this time I interrupted him.

"Sey yew love meh back. Jus' once. Ah'm tired ah 'earing 'me too' " i begged. He sighed.

"Ah love yea too." He complied. I smiled, blood running from the corners of my mouth as i went into a coughing fit. "Stu? Yea okay?" He asked, I couldn't give a reply. I was drowning in my own blood. "Stuart!?" I smiled sleepily at the phone as i pressed the "end call" button. I closed my eyes

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