#7 (Edited)

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Liam's P.O.V

I can't believe she said yes I was worried that she would say no but right now I need to think, where I should take her out, but where is really the question, I think I need to get some advice from my dad because he wont get over excited like my mum would, yeah definitely dad.

I walked downstairs to the Alpha's office because he spends most of his time in there dowing Alpha dutys for the pack.

I stop at the two large brown oke doors and knock on the door, I hear a faint 'come in' reply from my dad so I go in, I see him sitting at his desk doing Alpha paperwork, he lifts head up to see it was me.

"Liam what brings you here?"

"I came here for some advice for something." I said and dad has this look of intrest on his face

"What kind of advice son?" Dad asked

"I found my Mate and I'm taking her out on Friday night and I wanted to make it really special for her." I answered.

"Why don't you have your date in the woods and set up some chairs, a table, some lights hanging in the trees and a little bomb fire, that way you can make it a remberal thing that she won't forget for a date." Said dad

"when you think about it's not actually a bad idea, thanks dad."I said and was about to walk out the door when he call me back, I turned back around and looked at him.

"Congratulations on finding your Mate son, I'm proud of you." He said and I thanked him and walked out the door, went back to my room and started thinking of somethings to add for the date.

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