Part 1

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While out for ice cream with Josh all he can talk about is his band mate Tyler. They've been a band for a while now but just recently he's been extra talkative about it. I've only "met" him once but we didn't even talk we were just in the same room with tons of other people. When I realize this I tell Josh and he says that we have to meet right away and that we'll get along well.
After a while I stop listening to the amazing things that Josh is saying about Tyler that all can't be true and I start staring into every calorie of my ice cream. Ice cream is the one thing I can't resist but I've been doing so good. Josh took me out and he'll surely notice if my favorite food in the world turns into uneaten ice cream soup. A tear slips from my eye and I quickly wipe it away before Josh can see. I'm not even that upset but my eyes always seem to water at the silliest of things like the lights in a restaurant being too bright. I shakily get a spoonful of my boring vanilla ice cream and slowly bring it to my mouth as Josh rambles on. The first spoonful is the hardest and after that I eat one after the next, after the next, until it's all gone. The worst feeling rushes into my stomach, disappointment and disgust flow through my body. "Wow you really were hungry, huh?" Josh says. "Yeah I guess so," I say. "Hey do you want to go for a burger after this?" I say. "You know I can't I have to practice with Tyler." "Okay," I say kind of disappointed.
Once Josh drops me off at home and drives off I get into my own car and go to In-N-Out, I order two burgers, fries, and a shake. Next I go to the grocery store and buy a ton of chips, a bottle of soda, and Oreos.
Luckily no ones home so I bring all of it up to my room and start to eat in silence. I get through most of my shake, a whole bag of chips, half the Oreos, the soda, and both my burgers when I hear the front door open. "I'm home! I brought Tyler so you could finally meet him!" I hear Josh scream to me up the stairs. I quickly start stuffing the wrappers of the food under my bed and by the time my doorknob starts turning the shake is still out in the open but it's too late. "Hey," I say energetically, "I'm India." "I'm Tyler," "You went to In-N-Out?" Josh asks. "Yeah just for the shake.." "But we just had ice cream." "I know.. I wanted a shake." "Were you crying?" Josh asks. I feel my cheeks and realize that yes, I had been crying, and I don't even want to imagine what my makeup looks like right now. "Um yeah, I was reading a sad book, that's all," I said. Josh looked concerned like he knew I was lying to him but Tyler just said, "well it was nice meeting you." "Likewise," I said. And that was the very first time I (kinda) talked to Tyler Joseph.

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