Chapter 10

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Grace's POV

I woke up and saw Ethan laying next to me. I was confused, then I remembered I'm in the nurses office. I had a migraine and I was still really beat. I was covered in scars and bruises and cuts. I'm moving. I'm starting a new life. Today.

it was the end of the school day, so we had to leave. I woke Ethan up and we walked out to his car. He started the car and drove off. When we got home he helped me pack. I finished packing.

"Baby I'm really sorry we have to move. If Josh didn't get this job we wouldn't move I promise we would stay right here. We can visit every summer I promise." My mom said. We were now in the kitchen and I had all my bags ready for my flight. Ethan was driving with us to the airport.

"Mom why can't I just stay here with Ethan and Grayson? I can live here mrs. Dolan can take care of me. Or I can move in with Lexi. Please mom this is my life, I have to live here." I let a tear slip from my eye. Ethan wrapped his arms around me and held me from behind. I'm gonna miss this so much. I turned around and kissed his lips lightly.

We walked to the car and drove to the airport. The whole time we were cuddling in the backseat crying together. I got a text from Lexi.

Lexi😍😘: I can't believe you're moving! 😭💔 you can't leave me babygirl, I'm gonna miss you so much!

Me: I love you so much Lex, try not to miss me too much, ill visit I promise 😭😭😍💘

Lexi😍😘: Grace Jasmine Phillips I will miss you a lot, there's no such thing as too much you're my best friend in the entire world and I will always love you babygirl

Me: Alexis Gabrielle Truman I will always love you, you will always be my best friend I'm gonna miss you a lot 😭 💕

I turned my phone off, with every text she sent me I cried harder. Not that it was a bad thing, whenever I started to cry harder Ethan held me tighter and kissed my neck. God I love him so much.

We got to the airport. I didn't wanna leave.

"Flight 324, you may board your plane." (i was 6 months old last time I rode an airplane idk what they say lol just go with it)

this was it. The beginning of my new life, that I didn't want.

"I'm so sorry baby" my mom was trying to make me feel better, it just made me feel worse. I kissed Ethan for 5 minutes straight. Well, made out with him, we took a couple breaks in between to breathe. I really am gonna miss him.

Before I boarded my plane we had a conversation.

Ethan: Goodbye Grace, I'm gonna miss you so much.

Me: Ethan don't say goodbye, goodbye means forever, say I'll see you soon.

Ethan: I'll see you soon princess

Me: I'll see you soon Ethan, I love you

Ethan: I love you too princess

We kissed one last time and he held me in his arms, then I got on my plane. As the plane went in the sky I looked down and thought about how this was it. I was leaving. My boyfriend, my best friend, my bullies, my life, everything.

I didn't want this to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Ethan's POV

I watched as her plane left. I looked up to the sky until I couldn't see it anymore. I'm gonna miss her so much. God I miss her already, the plane disappeared. I started crying so hard. I miss her already. I can't believe she's gone. I couldn't stay at the airport and cry forever.

I got in my car, before I drove away I looked out the window and to the sky, "I love you Grace" I whispered. I knew she couldn't hear me, but she didn't need to, she already knows. Then I drove away, back home.

Grace's POV

I looked out the window until i couldn't see the airport anymore. This is it, the start of my new life. I didn't want to leave. I've already been really depressed, what is this gonna do to me? Kill me. I looked out the window one last time. I knew he couldn't hear me but I whispered, "I love you Ethan".



Once this chapter gets like 5 votes I'll update again because I feel like no one likes my story so i need 5 votes in order to update 😂

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