The Woman Of My Dreams Is Getting Married Today

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(Chapter 3)

Nikki's Pov

John seemed really nice, he's always been nice to me when we would encounter each other but I've never really gotten to known him, well now I had all the time in the world he would be my husband we have one month to get to know the basics about each other's after we get married we will finish getting to know each other. It may be weird of how our families do things and others don't understand it that's why only some families belong to our umm... I guess you can say traditions we live in a town were only a few know of theses traditions and actually stand by them the rest live clueless to it and wonder why parents allow their children to marry so young it doesn't matter though we continue to do it and so far everyone is happy. I know I am. As strange as it may sound I think I fell in love with John when he kissed me. I can't explain it actually it was like I said fireworks but I don't know I have this feeling like we will be so happy together and I hope it's true I can't wait to be a mother I want to be a house wife but I'll have to work so I will try to make it work but one things is for sure my man will be happy and I will have a happy and healthy baby. I can't wait for that day.

John's parents told John that he had to take me home which gave us time to talk. So after everyone started to leave John wanted to call it a night and told me it was time to go, I said goodbye to everyone then he led me to his car it was a red Ferrari and I love it I had one too.

"So when's the wedding again?" He said breaking the silence.

"At the end of June." I said looking at my calendar.

"Oh so summer wedding." He said while we stopped at the red light.

"Yeah but here how can you tell." I said letting out a small laugh.

"It's not like other places huh?" He said looking over at me.

"No nothing compared that's why I wanted it to be in San Diego but they won't allow it." I said looking at my phone getting dozens of messages from people congratulation me on my engagement.

"Why don't you demand it and if you can't get it then say you won't get married." He said I looked at him and laughed like if I could really appose to this.

"Yeah and why don't I just chose who I marry too." I said in a sarcastic tone but he didn't say much.

"Sorry I just thought that you're forced to marry someone the least they could do is give you a dream wedding." He said as we passed by my favorite donuts shop.

"I guess, well one thing you should know is that we just passed my favorite donut shop if I'm ever mad bring me a box of those and I'll melt in your hands." I said looking at him and he just nodded.

"So what time do you want me to pick you up for lunch?" He said as we stopped in front of my house.

"Umm I have to be with Barbie at 2 so say 12?" I said and he took it down on his phone alright I'll see you then." He said he didn't move he just waited there for me you would think but no I got out on my own and he drove away as soon as the door closed.

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