Parte Tres

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Hey Loser welcome to a new part of Pen Pals. In previous chapter Destiny messages her friend Jennifer telling her about the person she accidentally messaged, and Jennifer tells her to cut that bitch up. What will say Destiny say. Find out!

After I finished talking to Jennifer, I decided to message ching chong bitch.

Because nobody calls me a peasant, I'm a motha fuckin' queen.
Subject:Re:Re: Hoe Money!

Hell nah you did not call me peasant. I'm motha fuckin queen, bitch!. Besides a little ching chong like you wouldn't compete with royalty like me!
*flips hair*
Sent on March 11, 2016 7:20 pm

I clicked my phone off, "Destiny, ayudeme a limpara!" yelled my mom. (Destiny, help me clean).

I grunted, and got up from my bed, if I didn't help her, she would hit me with la chancla.

And God knows I'm too old for that shit ,I'm practically seventeen years old.

After two hours of helping my mother clean the house, and doing the  laundry I finally made it inside my room.

I locked door so my younger brothers Miguel and Jose wouldn't come inside my the room.

Last time they came, they used my my computer and left Web browser open to

Dear god,what are twelve year olds and thirteen year olds doing with their life now a days.

I sat on my bed,grabbed my phone and noticed that on left side of my phone was envelope picture.

I went on my email app, and saw that person message me back.

I opened the email.

Subject:Re:Re:Re: Hoe Money!
Ching Chong! is that best one you can come up with. Please! I heard worse things coming from a pig. Besides what are you?!
Sent on March 11, 2016 7:24pm

Hell nah this bitch! I'm seriously gonna cut this motha fucker.

I typed back as quickly as I could.

Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re: Hoe Money!
Well Ling-Ling at least my motha fuckin dick is bigger than yours. Also I'm a Queen bitch!
*flips hair*
Sent on March 11, 2016 9:24pm

Few seconds later my phone went ping!.

I opened the email.

Subject: Bitch Please
Bitch please my D is bigger than motha fuckin China. Also what I meant, what is your ethnicity -.-
Sent on March 11, 2016 at 9:26pm
Subject:Re: Bitch Please!
This foo, bitch please that's a lie, and why do you want to know?
Sent on March 11, 2016 at 9:28pm

Few seconds later my phone went ping!

Subject:Re:Re: Bitch Please
Considering you called me puta which is female prostitute is Spanish. You're probably Mexican. Am I right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sent on March 11, 2016 at 9:30pm.

What the hell is wrong with this fool.

I was about to type back.

"Destiny, a dormir mañana tres escuela!" said my mother barging into my room. (Destiny sleep tomorrow you have school).

Wait, didn't I locked the door?

I plugged my phone to the charger by nightside,got under the covers and my mother turned off the lights.

"A dormir," said my mother closing the door.

"Just you wait you little Ching Chong I will get back at you," I said, to myself quietly.

"Destiny a dormir, don't make get la chancla ," said my mother, behind the door.

I quickly shut up, and went to sleep.

Hey guys I hoped you like the new part of Pen Pals. Please vote and comment in the meantime peace

-Big Poppa D

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