Chapter 2

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Copywrited 2016

When I was home, I laid down on my bed thinking. I stared at the lights on my ceiling, messed with my covers, and kicked my tapestry.  No way was I going to college. I needed a nap. I snuggled underneath my covers and buried my head into the pillow. I woke up about thirty minutes later and I walked downstairs into the kitchen where I saw my mom cooking spaghetti. Yummy. I hugged her and yawned. "Tired?" She laughed and stirred the pasta. Oh good. It was almost finished. I smiled and set the table as I giddily grabbed my plate and hopped next to the stove to get food. My mom screamed up the stairs to my siblings and tapped my still asleep father and told them dinner was ready. I grabbed my food and sat down with a glass of milk. I so needed this. I ate my food just as fast as I sat down. I got seconds. Duh. Small, scattered rain drops started to pat on the windows so my mom shut all the windows in the kitchen. I went upstairs after we watched a couple tv shows, and took a shower. I yawned and laid back into bed. I did not want to go to school the next day. I played music from my phone and drifted asleep, and the next thing I knew I was dressed in a ball gown running away from a purple alien with donuts for eyes. Odd dream?

My alarm went off and I squirmed out to the edge of the bed. I rubbed my eyes as I tugged on a pair of worn out skinny jeans and one of the belt loops ripped off. I scoffed and trudged downstairs as I pulled a sweater over my head and got in my moms car. "Hey mom?"

"Yes honey?" She answered turning the corner.

"Can you fill my car up after school today? I have to work tomorrow." She rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.

"No you can get a ride. Remember, you're grounded?" Moms am I right?

"Okay whatever." She parked by the car lane and leaned over to kiss my cheek but I stopped her. "Nuh uh. Morning-coffee breath doesn't smell the best." She smirked at me and shooed me out of the car.

"Have a good day sweetie!" She waved and drove away. Oh man, I hope so. I walked in to meet one of my... "friends." He's kind of annoying but isn't everyone?

"Lauren Baby! How've you been? Come here and give daddy a smooch!" I rolled my eyes, adjusted my backpack, and just kept walking to my destination.

"Derek I can't deal with you right now. I have to get to class." I started walking down the hallway as he trailed next to me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. This daily routine never gets old. But you know, I'm kind of thinking that we should do something a little bit more-" he hopped in front of me and grabbed my hips, "-intimate." He started laughing.

"Gross Derek!" I slapped his hands and kept walking. His curly hair bounced under his beanie and his jeans covered his black converse and dragged on the tiled floor. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Psh you know I kid. Where's your hot friend?" He said more as a demand than a question. I rolled my eyes.

"You need to chill out with your bones." He stopped and scoffed.

"You like it!" He yelled down the hallway.

"You wish!" I turned and laughed at him. I turned back around to walk around the corner and ran straight into something. hmph

"Hey watch where you're going." A heard a growl. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever..." I mumbled. As soon as I started walking again, something grabbed my wrist and yanked me backwards. I gasped. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw who grabbed me.

"Do you realize who you just bumped into?" She said giddily and we walked up the stairs. I shrugged.

"No..." I looked at her. "Why?" She jumped around.

"Oh my god! You-you're going to flip!" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay..." I laughed, "I doubt it." and I opened my locker.

"Marco. Standford." she smiled giddily. I laughed and scoffed, but on the inside I was jumping off the walls.

Quick recap: Marco Stanford is bot only the most popular guy at our school, he's like the hottest in the county. All the schools in Hartford county know of this kid. He's a pretty damn big deal. Granted, he is an "awful" person, he's still hot as fuck.

"Sweet." I bit my lip and tossed my books in my backpack. "Damnit." I mumbled.

"Dammit what?" I heard Chelsea pop her gum.

"Damnit as in he nearly growled at me when I ran into him." I rolled my eyes to the back of my head.

"Who'd you run into?" Chelsea sassed back.

"Marco." Bailey squealed.

"And?" Chelsea is the type of girl to literally not give a shit about anything or anybody, unless it's mega important. She's mainly chill or wants to cut everyone who walks slow in front of her in the halls. "Unless he grabbed your ass and tits at the same time, I don't see why you're even talking about it." She looked at her nails as we all started walking. "Because that-" she twirled her hair. "-would be something I would tweet about." She and I smirked as Bailey pulled her phone out of her pocket and we sat at a table in our common area.

"So Bails, tell us about Martin." I said in a flirty, sing-song voice.

"Oh. My. God!" She grabbed Chelsea's hand. "Even you're going to flip about this one." Bailey continued to tell us about how her weekend hookup went with a college boy. I stopped listening when she told me they "tried something new," and I saw Chelsea's facial expressions alter with every detail. I looked around to try and find Marco, but I couldn't. I tried to follow steps that he could've taken after he ran into me. I honestly have no idea why I'm making a big deal out of this, I really don't care.

"Bailey?!" I heard a gasp come from Chelsea.

"What?" She laughed.

"You are not supposed to put that there!" Chelsea hit her forehead and laughed. When the bell rang we ran to class. It was a normal day. I had World History, Physics, Calculus, and then study hall before lunch. Lunch was different; the normal lunch gang was there: Bailey, Chelsea, and I along with Ryan Scott, Daniel Jackson, and Derek Beeny, and Emily Tiden.

"So apparently Harper had decided to have sex again." Ryan whined about his younger sister.

"Ok Ry, I know you can't stand the fact that your sister is now having sex, but she's a sophomore now, I lost my virginity in seventh grade." Bailey gloated took a fork full of salad.

"Bailey no one wants to hear your voice." Daniel mumbled. Daniel has been grumpy ever since his girlfriend cheated on him with Tiffany Landcaster, the most infamous, ignorant whore around.

"Don't get mad because you dated a lesbian." Derek flinched as Daniel lifted his fist.

"Hey shut up. Being gay is not a crime." Ryan held up his hands.

"Oo, I love that color on your nails Ry!" Chelsea grabbed one of his defensive hands.

"It is when she used you to get into a threeso-" everyone interrupted Daniel as Emily shoved a kale chip in his mouth.

"WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR LIFE PROBLEMS!" We all said in unison and laughed until the bell for fifth period.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far. I have had to unpublished all of it again and then repost it because I hadn't been publishing new chapters and I forgot how the story line went lol. So I went back to change some lines and grammar but nothing major in this chapter or the Prolouge!!
Hopefully the next couple of chapters will be out soon because I'm going to be working on them (trying) nonstop. ;) it's gonna be good.
-Lara :)

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