Hedonism Discussion

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Hedonism Discussion


Main question: Is hedonism good?
-answers are mostly no-
Soda: "Wait, but what if the hedonist gets happiness from doing good deeds, wouldn't that be good?"
Classmate: "Yah, I guess so."
Jinxx: "But what if that hedonist gives a homeless man a knife so he can hunt for food & the man gets the wrong idea & starts killing people? Then the act would backfire."
Soda: ??? "Why would you give a homeless man a knife?"
Jinxx: "Because he's too poor to eat out & if you give him money it won't last as long as the knife..."
Soda: "No... Just no... Give him money bruh."
Jinxx: "But the knife last longer!"
Soda: "End of subject: Never give a homeless man a knife..."
Jinxx: "k..."
-we continue the discussion with the class-

A normal day in an AVID classroom XD

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