
20 2 13

One week left.

Till finally, I can stay home everyday watching dramas and eat junk food, avoiding the summer sun.

As the last bell rang through the halls and class rooms I packed my things and left the classroom.

"Yong! Wait for me!" My best friend Nari hollers as we exit the building. "So, are you planning to do anything this summer Yong?"

"The typical."

"Girl, watching dramas all day isn't the way to spend the summer! You should flaunt that body at the beach, especially with your new hair"

Nari is such a drama queen sometimes.  I glared back at her comment and flicked her forehead. She simply rubbed her now red spot.

"Aish, I don't have have the money like someone to travel to France or some fancy european place Nari."

She simply pouted. Nari's dad and mom are both doctors, they basically travel where ever they want to go. On the other hand I only money to go somewhere local.

As we reached the street, I waved to Nari as we parted ways.

Walking down the street, my eye caught a flash of light.

"Argh shit. Dafuq."

My hands went to cover my face and I looked towards the source of the glare. It was a whitish blob. Getting out the direction of the light, my eyes focused and got a better look. Across the street was a ice cream truck.

White with a pink and baby blue stripe wrapped around the vehicle. The long mirrors on the side bounced off the rays of the sun. It even had a speaker at the top.

Certain sides really needed an a new paint job, and it had a small dent in the bumper. Other than that, it was cute. There were some people buying ice cream from the place.

My stomach admitted a small dying whale sound while observing. Well that means it ice cream time.

I walked across the street searching for my wallet in my school bag. As I reached the counter, looking up I saw a red hair guy in a white uniform, topped with one of those police like hats only white and a bow tie.

In the back, where nine other guys in the same uniform except one with instead a white snapback. WAIT, TEN PEOPLE WORK HERE?!? How can they all fit in this tiny truck?

"May I take your order beautiful?" The red head said flashing a flirty smile.

Flirt. He may be cute but flirts are gross. Wait did I just say he was cute?

My face cringed a little and I knew I couldn't punch him because then I couldn't get my ice cream. I forced a smile and said my order.

"Just a vanilla scoop on a cake cone, topped with sprinkles."

"Is that all you want?" He replied raising a suggestive eyebrow.

My eye twitched. This kid so gonna get it if...

"Wooshin, stop flirting with every customer!" Yelled a guy in the back. He came to the front of the truck and pulled his ear, dragging to the back. Wooshin, I presumed, was complaining how he only flirted with girls. To that the guy replied about someone named bangtan. Wooshin just shut his mouth.

After that was sorted, the guy came back to the counter.

"I'm sorry for this idiot. As an apology, how bout double sprinkles? On the house. Or should I say truck? Heh." He smiled, laughing at his own joke.

I simply chuckled. This guy had brown hair, and thick lips. He seemed very friendly.

"No need. He wasn't THAT annoying, yet."

He chuckled "I insist. Xiao! Make this girls order!"

"Jinhoo-hyung I'm on break!" Xiao complained

"Aish! And I'm the one that pays you pabo!"


Xiao got off the floor and when to the freezer, taking a cake cone and scooped a large ball of vanilla ice cream.

"So what are your names?" I asked making conversation while waiting for my order.

That seem to catch their interest as all of them went to the front.

"Ok ready guys? Tension up! Hello we are up10tion!" They all said proudly, even Xiao in the back working on the ice cream.

"I'm Jinhoo" said the guy who helped me out

"Kuhn" said the other brown hair guy. He's kinda scary looking.

"Sir Kogyeol" stated the dirty blonde next to him bowing all fancily. Sir?

"Wei, I'm 185 cm" said the pillar. Woah, what did he eat for breakfest?

"Bitto." uttered the guy looking down at his game. He had blue hair with a white SnapBack on backwards.

Aish kids these days.

"Sunyoul here! Said the blonde much more brightly then his friend next to him. I eye smiled at him for that.

"Hey, you skipped me! Wooshin at your service" said red head winking. I just snorted earning a small round of laughs.

"Gyujin." presenting himself with a weird wink. Those eyebrows!

"Hwanheeeeeeeee from exo." said the guy who looks like Baekyun. Everyone simply slapped his back for that. I laughed at their silly actions.

"Bitto stop playing with that thing!" Jinhoo scolded grabbing the device from Bitto. Bitto glared at Jinhoo before basically tackling him.

As they wrested back and forth, topping the ice cream with double the sprinkles, Xiao went to the front to deliver the ice cream.

Jinhoo back step to avoid Bitto, causing Xiao to trip over the foot.
Time stopped as

Everyone in the truck leaned forward with their hands ready to grab, causing it to tilt a little from the weight.

My vanilla cone with double sprinkles on the house, or should I say truck, was flying my way.

Followed by ten pairs of hand from mortified faces.


There goes my new dyed platinum hair.

Everyone froze. Two pair hands where at both sides of my face. One near my arm. One holding the gaming device that launch out from Jinhoo's hand. Another near my stomach. Two near my neck. One near my shoulder. One right above the cone. And two hands groping my chest.

The ice cream dripped down my face with a rainbow trail.

"Flat as a board" commented Wooshin

My eyes trailed up to meet ten faces, eight guilty, one smirking, and another glued to his game.

My eyes flared with rage. The boys soon noticed and quickly pulled back their hands quickly including Wooshin. Their eyes stared at me in terror, fear for their lives.

I could burst that very second, but I stomped away. Hearing shouts of sorry fade as I went towards my house.



Well I tried.
Chapter one coming up soon hopefully

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