Four - If this was Disney, I'd be the pea in princess and the pea

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Four - If this was Disney, I'd be the pea in princess and the pea

Aria's POV    

"What did I ever do to you?" I scream, standing up and knocking the chair down in the process.

I start backing away until my back hits the wall. "Vincent, I think we should just let her go." Daniel says.

"Daniel, shut up and wait outside." Vincent says. Daniel nods and walks out the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Why?" I whisper, looking down at my hands. "I know that you are your brothers weakness. If I torture you, it will torture your brother." Vincent says.

"What did my brother do?" I ask. "He made a deal he couldn't live up to, he owes me a lot of money princess and if I don't get it soon I am going to be really angry." Vincent explains.

"So to torture me you made me watch that?" I ask, my body shaking.

I didn't expect the video to be what it was. Before my mother died she used to be abused by my dad. It was horrible and I was a little girl that couldn't do anything to help my mom. I tried defending her multiple times but my dad would just beat me unconscious and then hurt my mom even more.

That's why she killed herself.

When my mom committed suicide last year, it broke me. I kept telling myself that she was in a better place but I knew that when she died, she died unhappy and that killed me inside because there was nothing I could do to help her.

After my mom died, my dad disappeared and I still don't know where he is. On the video I was forced to watch was a recording of my mom. My brother recorded it to take it to the police but my dad saw and threw it out. I don't know how Vincent found it.

It was of my dad beating my mom unconscious. It was torture watching that. It was the worst kind of torture. It took so long, trying to get over my mom but you never really get over your moms death.

When that video came up on the screen I had to watch it, not because I was tied in place but because it felt like I was betraying my mom if I didn't.

"Yes." Vincent says.

"You're a monster." I say through gritted teeth. I turn and run straight out the door. Daniel looks up at me but before he can register what is happening, I run straight past him and up the stairs.

I need to find the kitchen.

I run up the stairs to the third level and then I go down the passages, this place is gigantic.

When I finally find the kitchen, I open the fridge. I bet you're thinking 'why the he'll is she looking for food?' To answer your question, my brother has not eaten in a week and I am going to make sure he doesn't starve to death.

I take a whole lot of food and put it in a packet I see on the counter. I spot cupcakes in a container and grin, taking the container as well.

Kayden is allergic to icing sugar so I guess the cupcakes I can keep. I go to the room I woke up in and hide the cupcakes under the pillow.

"When I find that girl..." Vincent's voice echo's through the place. Damn, he sounds angry.

I run back down the stairs with the packet of food and go straight to the room where Kayden is being held.

When I run into the room, I see Cody leaning against Kayden's cage. He sees me and starts walking towards me.

"Please." I beg Cody. "Please just let me give him food." I whisper, my voice shakey.

Cody stops and stares intensely at me, "Why would I let you do that?" he asks. "Please Cody, if you had a brother or sister that was dying, wouldn't you do anything to keep them alive?" I ask.

Something changes in Cody's eyes but it is gone as fast as it came. He moves out the way and I let out a sigh of relief as I run to Kayden's cage.

I push the packet through the bars and Kayden looks up, "Aria." he whispers. He moves to the side of the cage that I am on and sits by me.

He puts a hand through the bars and holds my hand, "They made you watch it, didn't they?" he asks, his eyes closed.

I nod and lean my head against the bars, "It's okay Kayden, I'll be fine. Just eat, please." I say.

He listens and pulls out two breakfast bars. I look up and see Cody watching me with a thoughtful expression. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"What the fuck, Cody?" Vincent shouts, walking into the room with Daniel, "You knew she was here and you didn't call me?"

Cody shrugs and walks out the room. Jeez Cody, no need to shout.

Vincent walks up to me. Oh pickles. Kayden's grip on my hand tightens when he sees Vincent.

When Vincent reaches me, he lifts me up, right off the ground and slams me into a wall, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't just kill you now." he growls.

"I-I um, because then you will go to hell?" I say. He pulls me foward and slams me back against the wall, "I'm already there." he whispers in my ear. "Stop!" Kayden screams but he gets ignored.

"Vince, let her go." Daniel whispers. Vincent turns around and glares at Daniel, he then drops me to the floor, "Take her to her room." he commands and walks out.

Daniel picks me up bridal style and takes me up to my room. When he sets me down on my bed, he sits down next to me. "Thank you Daniel." I say.

"You know you're crazy right? You have no idea who Vincent is, do you?" Daniel asks. I frown, "Who is he?" Daniel smirks and stands up, "I think you're better off not knowing sweet heart." he says and walks out the room, shutting the door behind him.

Vincent. Cody. Daniel. Why do those names sound familiar? Maybe its a coincidence, lots of people have those names.

If this was Disney, I'd be the pea in princess and the pea. At least I'm a main character, right?


I groan and lie back on the pillow when my head hits something hard.



CUPCAKES! I LOVE CUPCAKES! xxx hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and pleeeeeeeeease tell me what you guys think cause I love hearing from you guys <3

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