Three - The penguins are in the kitchen and they're stealing the bananas

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Three - The penguins are in the kitchen and they're stealing the bananas

Aria's POV

That awful moment when you wake up.
It happens to me every day, it's annoying.

"Aria." A muffled voice says, "You need to get up." someone says, shaking me. "You need to fuck off." I mumble and roll over to the other side. The person chuckles, "I want to keep her." he says.

"Well Vince is probably going to kill her so don't get your hopes up." another voice says.

Someone wraps their arms around me and pulls me into their chest, "But she can't die. She's the only girl that that has  ever been in this place that hasn't been killed already. Plus, she's so soft." the voice say, squeezing me lightly.

I softly groan and turn around, cuddling into whoever is hugging me. The only person that has ever lied with me and helped me fall asleep is my mom, before she died.

The person chuckles, "Aria, sweetheart, wake up." he says, gently shaking my shoulders,

"The penguins are in the kitchen and they're stealing the bananas!" I shout and open my eyes. I see Daniel's face really close to mine and I start screaming. Daniel starts screaming too, in a higher pitch than me.  Out of panic, I push back against Daniel's chest, landing on the floor with a thud.

I look up to the door to see Cody standing and leaning against the door frame with an amused look on his face.

"You okay, Aria?" Daniel asks. My eyes widen, "How do you know my name?" I ask.

"I don't." he immidiately denies. "Yeah, you just said it." I say. "I was... Guessing?"  Daniel says and smiles innocently.

I look around the room, it looks exactly like room I saw Cody in for the first time except the wood of the closet and doors are a different colour.

Vincent walks into the room and frowns when he sees me on the floor, "What are you three delinquents doing?"

Daniel starts explaining but Vincent cuts him off, "I don't care, just bring her down to the basement." he commands and leaves.

Cody follows Vincent out, leaving Daniel alone with me. "Cody doesn't talk much, does he?" I ask Daniel. "He talks more when he is used to you but no, he doesn't talk much." Daniel agrees.

"Ah, okay, so Cody is the quiet one, Vincent is the mean one and you're the adorable nerdy one. Except you don't look like a nerd at all." I say with a frown, remembering his shirtless body from the first time I saw him.

"How long did I sleep for?" I ask. "About a  week." Daniel says with a shrug. "Goals! I just hibernated. Wait, why was I out for a week? I know I sleep a lot but not that much." I ask.

"Daniel!" Vincent's voice booms through the building. "We better go." Daniel says and stands up, giving out a hand to help me up.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Why in noodles name would I go with you? I don't even know you people, I just know that you guys have kidnapped Kayden and that you're all really hot." I state.

Daniel blushes deeply and I chuckle, "No," I scold him, "you will not make me trust you with your cuteness."

"Okay well I am not getting fired so," Daniel picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal and hit my fists against Daniel's back, "Put me down you peasant!"

He chuckles and takes me down three flights of stairs and into a huge room, the size of a school hall, with red stone walls and cages lined up against the walls.

As Daniel puts me down, I see Vincent and Cody leaning against one of the cages,  they're both smoking. I get dragged towards them by Daniel and as I reach them, I start fake coughing.

I love making people feel bad for smoking. Cody frowns and drops his cigarette to the floor, stepping on it to put it out but Vincent glares at me and keeps smoking.

After a while of silence Vincent drops the cigarette and steps on it, "You want to see your brother?" he asks with a smirk.

I nod and Vincent moves away from the cage he was leaning on. I see someone slouching with their back against the bars of the cage, "Kayden?" I say, getting down on my knees in front of the cage.

Kayden looks up at me and his eyes widen, "What are you doing here, Aria?"

"What are you doing here, Kayden? You look like shit." I say and stand up, "What have you done to him?" I ask Vincent. I look down at Kayden who is still wearing the same cloths as last week, his hair is messy and he has dark rings under his eyes.

"We just duct taped him to a chair and made him watch a video. Oh, and we starved him." Vincent says in a nonchalant tone.

He hasn't eaten in a week! "What video?" I ask. "No! No, Aria! Don't let them make you watch it!" Kayden starts screaming.

Vincent takes out a gun and points it at me, "Shut the fuck up or she dies right now." Vincent commands. Kayden shuts his mouth but shakes his head at me.

"Come on, I'll show you." Vincent says, pulling me out the room, "Cody, stay here with Kayden and make sure he stays silent." Vincent says and takes me to the room next door.

This room has grey walls and is a lot smaller than the room next door, it has a chair, a projection screen and a computer. I get pushed into the chair as Daniel guards the door and Vincent goes to the computer, opening a video.

As the video comes up on the screen I start watching and that's when I realize what it is.

"No." I whisper, shaking my head.

This can't be happening.


Thanks for reading you monkeys, I love you all <3 Remember to vote and comment ;) Hope you enjoyed and see you soon xxx

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