chapter 4

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Girl in photo will be Marilyn but with longer gray hair . <3
My morning was great until I went downstairs after getting dressed in hoddie and black pants . my mum once again was too busy getting ready for work to make me breakfast nah I'll just eat an Apple
Mum looked at me with sad smile
- what's wrong ?
I ask tough I kind of guess what is wrong
She looks at her shoes then again at me
- your .. Father came out of jail ..-she tells me without even looking at me He lives in this town .- I knew this was coming ,..
- I know- I say with same sad face
I counted days until he came out of jail
- how do you know ?
She looked at me with confused expression
- I counted days.
- know about work .. I have to go to LA again this time longer .. Much longer ..
I knew this was coming
- how long ? 1 week ? 2 week ?
She looked at me apologetically
- 1 month .. And I will come back only for a week then once more and I will be free .. My boss will leave for London then .
- but mum I don't want to be alone all this time .
I say ..I want to be alone but its to much what if dad comes .. What if I will want to say my last goodbye to her. . I don't want her away from me .
- you won't'll stay with my friend . at
Her house .its only two blocks away ..
- but mum
I tried to complain but she gave me the face so I shut up .
- Marilyn go to your room and pack your things .
Without word I went back to my room packed my things and was ready to be with stranger for month or two...way to start my morning mum . the ride was silent as always I looked at trees houses people anything but my mum .. Suddenly my brothers favorite song started in radio .. Ed sheeran - thinking out loud .
He would make me listen to this song over and over again .. Mum was about to turn off the radio but I stopped her ..
I remembered how Vance would make fun of me listening only to Korean or Japanese songs .. How he would make me mad calling them "pretty girls " .. But when I was really mad and he wanted to apologize he would buy me so many albums of my favorite groups .. He would spend all His money on me ..he was the best brother I could ask for..I didn't deserve him .. I would never say thank you to him I have always been a jerk .coward. Best brother had worst sister . I want to go back hug him tight and tell him just how much I love him just how much I miss him and how sorry I am... But its impossible .. And its the thing that breaks me .. I won't be able to do all of this .. Car stopped that was a sign we were there ..
House was a lot bigger then I thought
- wow ..
Mum knocked on the door and when it opened my mouth met floor the woman was so beautiful she had green eyes black curly hair and white skin  her body was so so so "sexy" .. I couldn't take my eyes of her
She smiled at me and took my hand in her both hands
- hello Marilyn .. My name is Anne .
- hello Mrs
She cut  me off
- Anne
She smiled and I returned the smile
- OK.. Anne..
She dragged me to living room .. My mum and Anne were talking for 15 minutes then I walked my mum to car she kissed my cheek and was hugging me until I made her to let go ..
- I will miss you so much sweety ..
She will cry in car I know .. I smiled at her and nod at her car to get in and go.. She looked at me one last time and then she left me
Me too
I took my things to the room I would have to stay for month ...
Anne and I ate dinner together she talked to me about a lot of things and it was really unnormaly comfortable .... At midnight I just went to room and was about to sleep when I heard door open
"Where ? Which room ?"
I was fading .. I was so sleepy .. But this husky voice sounded so familiar ..
Before I fell asleep door opened and a tall guy came in he sat down on my bed I opened my eyes  to look at him .. He was in front of me lying on my bed beside me smiling
- Harry ?
I asked half asleep
- one and only
He winked at me ..
And that's when I stormed out of my bed
- what the hell are you doing here !!
I screamed at him he looked at me confused
- I live here ...
OK..that makes sense ..Anne told me she had a son .. She didn't tell me who he was ..
- oh...but what are you doing in my room
He got up and came to me I instinctively took step behind that continued until my back met cold wall suddenly he lifted me in bridal style and brought me to my bed he layed beside me again...
- don't touch me !
I ordered ..he just smiled at me the warm smile which made me comfortable .. How does he do this ?he makes me angry with just existing and makes me comfortable just by smiling ..I don't like this .. Maybe just a bit ..
- I won't touch you .. We are friend so I want to sleep here so we can get comfortable with each other ...
I really consider the thought that he is Crazy
- Harry get out of here right now !
He hugged me and blocked both my hands and legs so that I couldnt move
- why do you even want to get closer to me I don't even know anything about you !
- then ask me .. And don't ask me I have no reason I just want to be friends . bestfriends maybe ..
He smiled again. ! This is getting creepy
- friends ? Just friends ?!
I ask
- yes just friends !
- promise ?
- promise .
He assures me
- OKey .. I'll be your friend.
I say to him .. I mean its okey right ? He just wants to be my friend .if its a way to get him out of my room I'll be his friend
- okay so friend I want two things from you
He says with a serious face
- okey .. What is it
- do you .. Have a bucket list ?
- what ? Why would you be interested in that ?
- cuz you know I am your God parent and I want to make all your dreams come true
I lough at him .. I really lough ..its been so long ..
- yeah .. I have a bucket list.
I really do .. Vance made me to make that stupid thing .. And I still have it ..
- then first I want to make your bucket list in to reality I'll help you to make all those things there come true .. And second I want to sleep here with you every night
Second statement starteled me and I want to tell him to get the hell away from me but I kind of in a weird way know that he will do whatever he wants
- is there a chance that if I say no you will just leave me alone ?
I ask though I know what will answer be.
- of course . NO.
I really feel uncomfortable now but he is so stubborn .. I want to beat him up but I give up ... I know he will push it until he gets what he wants .
- I give up ..
- I told you . I always get what I goodnight .
He says and then he hugs me tight and I just close my eyes and sleep .. It will last for a month and then I'll be free .. I'll just endure it till then ..
Goodbye my somehow peacefull life .. Yeah right " peaceful " .. My life is anything but peaceful ...
Harry's scent is so sweet ... Its so delicious .. The scent makes me numb .. I don't know why but his presense makes my thoughts dissapear I just want to sleep ..
With his scent all over me I welcome sweet sleep ..

Harrys smile is my cure that's why its so special in this book <3

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