Just a sum up of my life real quick

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So I'm Lexi and I have a "slight" obsession with Dan and Phil.

I have a crush on this kid and he's really cute his name is Ben and I've asked him out 2ice and he said no to each but I'm gonna ask again in 7th grade (if you didn't get the hint that I'm in 6th grade then here it is).

I have only like 7 friends 2 of which go to another school.

I write fanfiction and I think it's fun but I like reading it just as much

I don't really have a preference on bands/artists but I like Flo Rida and FOB so yeah

I live my life on YouTube and wattpad

And here are you're end of the day whiskers: >•<

xo Lexi

This diary needs to chillDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora