And heres what you missed on glee

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So over the weekend I went to the mall for a Girl Scouts lock in thingy and it was pretty fun! I got a shrek 'pop' thing-

So over the weekend I went to the mall for a Girl Scouts lock in thingy and it was pretty fun! I got a shrek 'pop' thing-

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I kind of made a shrine for shrek but I don't have candles and nor do I want to be around them so yeah



ok and sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER I will later this week

I have testing UGGHHGJGJGJH
It really sucks its math and English/language arts so eh but it really sucks so that's why I haven't updated

My dads name is frank and I was on a website that said like what your name would be throughout the decades and here's what 2 of them were-

My dads name is frank and I was on a website that said like what your name would be throughout the decades and here's what 2 of them were-

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Like WHAT????? That's awesome omg

I also did it with Dan and Phils names and in the 1920s (for both of them) it was

Dun dun dun

Edward and Jacob and I was screaming omg how

My mom also accused me of liking Dan better than Phil and I was like "NO NO NO YOU MUSNT FAVORITE THEM UNLESS YOU ARE NOT A REAL FAN OF THEM" and she was all like "I think you like Dan better than Phil" like did you not just hear ANYTHING I just said??


I started watching attack on Titan along with Stumpphan and we both love it she's on like ep. 18 and I'm only on like 7 so I'll have to catch up

So that's what you missed on glee


xo Lexi

Btw I had to run 1/2 a mile today in gym (I DESPISE RUNNING) and I imagined Dan and Phil at the end so I sprinted and O MI GOD I WAS ABOUT TO COUGH UP A LUNG GOD

alrighty byeeeeeeeeeee

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