seven; meeting up with you

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Dear Lara,

I remember how I met you. It came back to me one evening, and I actually got a major migraine from it. But I remember how I met you.

Steve was late for whatever it was, and I was going to fetch him. I saw you in the window, talking to him, laughing, and I swear you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. That's when I realized that I wanted to know you.

And so, I walked into that small café with two intentions. One was to get Steve because we were late, and the second was to get to know you somehow. And then the letters popped into my head. I knew that you were one to like writing, you were reading a book and drinking hot chocolate.

So, there I was, already trying to impress the girl that would sooner be teaching a class than dating a scruffy soldier like me.

I'm scruffier now, by the way. I wonder if you'd think I was attractive now. Because, I look nothing like I did before. Hell, all the life and sparkle has been sucked from my eyes.

Maybe you would've been the one to put it all back.

You'r Truly,


Letters of Redemption ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 2Where stories live. Discover now