Issoria**: nine

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Thursday Night.

"Hello." I whispered into the phone. I was still at work and I had used my break time earlier. It was 9:20 and I didn't get off until closing at 11.

"Hey. You busy?" He asked me. I was glad to hear that it was Kendall, but sad that I couldn't talk to him.

"I'm working Kendall. I can't really be on the phone right now." I said. "If my manager comes out here she's going to be upset."

"Oh. It's cool. No biggie. Call me when you get home?"

"It might be a little late..."

"Don't worry about it sweetheart. I'll be up." He said right before I heard the phone hang up. I smiled a little and thought about taking the rest of the night off. That thought vanished as soon as it came. I needed this paycheck. My mom is really cracking down on this independent women thing.


I rushed into the house, my fingers a little too anxious to dial Kendall's number. I placed my backpack and my duffle bag down next to the stairs and rushed into the kitchen to make me a quick sandwich.

I was in the middle of spreading my mayonnaise when I heard my mother walk into the kitchen. "Oh, hello mother. How was your day?" I asked as I started placing the cheese on my sandwich.

"Did you wash your hands before you went in my refrigerator?" She was looking at me with her eyebrows raised, arms crossed and her eyes were red.

"Of course I did." I lied. I honestly forgot. I'm just trying to get upstairs. "What's wrong momma? Why do you look so angry?" I knew exactly what was wrong

"Don't be asking me no damn questions like you got any authority in here. This my damn house." I looked up at her highly confused. " I don't know why you and your no good ass father don't understand that!" She yelled. "Coming and going as you please. I pay these damn bills and he flies around the fucking world taking stupid ass pictures! Pictures don't pay these bills. Do you think a picture of fucking Brazilian trees and shit will keep this roof over our head?" I stepped back a little and quickly finished making my sandwich. She was drunk and I knew better than to stick around when she was like this. When she mentioned my father, I knew she was going to zap out at any second. It wasn't a secret that she hated his job, but we never spoke ill of him when he wasn't here. We didn't speak of him at all.

I finished my sandwich and walked towards the stairs. After picking up my belongings, I turned to see my mother standing right behind me. I jumped a little, almost dropping my food. "Oh my goodness. Mom, what are you doing?" I asked as she leaned in towards me. She was extremely close and I couldn't push her away due to the bags and the sandwich.

"Ma, you shouldn't drink so much. It's not good for you." Or your breathe. Before she could respond, I pushed her away using my hips and ran up the stairs to my room. She was slowly trailing behind me but i figured she was going to her room which was directly across from the top of the stairs.

Once I reached my bedroom, I shut the door and made sure it was locked. I dropped my bags and quickly ate my sandwich. I hate when crumbs get in my bed, so I ate my sandwich standing by the door. When I finished, I pulled out my phone and seen that it was 12:45. Kendall said he would be up so I called him anyway.


"Um hey. Is it too late?" I asked. I wasn't aware that I was biting my lip.

"No. You good. I just wanted to tell you that I talked to Gina earlier. Everything is cool now. She shouldn't be bothering you anymore."

"So you're going to the dance with her?" I asked, a little excited and disappointed at the same time.

"Nah, I don't think I want to go at all." He said. I leaned back on my pillows and began to remove my shoes. Before I could unlace my second shoe, my mother began beating on the door. "What's that?" Kendall asked.

"That's um, it's just my mom. She's moving some things around the house." I whispered my lie hoping he would believe it.

"Why you lying to me?" He asked as he laughed at my lie. "Who rearranges there house one o'clock in the morning?"

I was never a good liar.

"Issoria! Open this damn door!" I immediately grew scared. My mother was angry, drunk and angry.

"Kendall, I have to go."

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Gotta go. Bye." I hung up quickly and hurriedly found some pajamas.

"Issoria! What the hell are you doing? Open the door before I kick your ass!" I heard my mother trip and hit the floor. She stopped yelling and that's when I decided to open the door.


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