Dangerous 5 "A message from devil" Justin Bieber Fiction

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When i wake up in the morning i look at my phone and i got a new message. I press in my password and i look at the message. "Will = Check, Skyler = in process, who's next?". It says it's from "blocked number." I wonder who would write this and what it means. I'm really tired so i put the phone under my pillow and i fall asleep again.

My eyes are closed but i wake up with Justin's wet and soft lips kissing mine. I kiss him back. After a few a seconds i open my eyes and i notice that he's just in his underwear. "Good morning babe." He says while he kisses me. I don't answer but kiss him. I slowly stop and i stand up. "Good morning" i say and give him a big smile. "Are you hungry?" He asks. "Yes, i actually am." i say and he stands up. He puts on a t-shirt and we get down together. When we get down i see that the breakfast is already served. It's a lot of things to choose between. Did he really do this to me. My heart gets filled with joy and i give Justin a big hug. "Thank you, this looks so tasty, you are amazing." I say while i hug him. "Then let's eat." He says and we get to the table. After the breakfast Justin has a little work to do, so he gets out. He has a break but he has to work sometimes. I have nothing to do so i text Skyler.

- Hey, what's up?" I write.
- Hi Ari, i just woke up, and you?
- Nothing, Justin just left.
- Oh, where was he going?
- I don't know he had some work to do.
- Yeah so do i, ugh.
- You're working again? What are you working with now? I write and add a laughing emoji.
- I'm working at a cafe, i start today.
- Oh what cafe? And where is it?
- It's the one beside Starbucks in town, i forgot the name.
- Oh you mean Claire's Coffee?
- Yeah that one.
- Well, tell me more about it after you're first shift. Okay?

She dosn't answer but maybe she didn't realize she was supposed to. I put the phone beside me and i turn on the TV. I get a text back and i'm about the see what Skyler's writing but it's not from Skyler. It's from the blocked number. "Skyler = Check, who's next?". I take a deep breath and i start to wonder again. What does it mean. Will = checked and now Skyler. Someone drugged Will and he got in prison for it. Maybe someone set him up. But why? He dosn't have enemies. If my theory is right, something happened to Skyler about a minute ago. I call her to check and she dosn't answer. I start to get worried. I run upstairs and change to something basic. I put on a red plaid flannel shirt with black tight pants. I run downstairs again and put on my black vans. I get outside and i start to run. It takes around five to ten minutes to Skyler and if i keep on running i'll be there any minute. When i get there i'm breathless. I knock on her door but it's all quiet. I knock harder, still nothing. I run to her garden and take the extra keys that she hides under a stone. I run back to the front of the house and i lock up. "Skyler!" Are you there. I see a half eaten sandwich at the table in the kitchen. I get a feeling that something bad did happen. I get a message and it says "Too late bitch, better luck next time." I can't help myself to look around. Someone is watching me. This bitch who's texting me is also watching me. I look around in her house but she's not there. I get outside and a tear falls down my face. What did just happen, is she gone? I don't know if i should call the police or not. I mean, they will tell me to wait and then call back if she dosn't show up. I don't know what to do. I just stand outside her house and look around. After a while i decide to go home and wait.

When i get home i take my shoes off and i call her, still nothing. I send her another message too. I do nothing for hours. I just sit at the couch and think about Skyler. I'm so worried. She is my best friend. She is one of the few people i love the most. Why would someone hurt Skyler? And warn me. I pick up the phone and i start to write a message to the blocked number. "Who are you and what the fuck do you want? Did you do something to Skyler?" I press send and i take a deep breath. I don't think this person will answer. I get a message and i read it. "Hello. We've seen that you've been trying to reach your friend Scarlet Fitzgerald (Skyler Fitz) and we wanted to let you know that she's been in an accident and you could come down here to the hospital for more information. //Gossim Hospital."
Oh no. What if something really bad happened. I run outside and i take the bus to the hospital and when i get there i ask for Scarlet Fitzgerald and they take me somewhere. A young doctor is coming up to me and starts to talk.

- You're Ariana right?
- Yes that's me.
- Do you know what happened with Scarlet?
- No i eh.. I don't.
- Our theory is that someone hit her with something on her head and then forced her to drink something deadly. We don't know if she will live.
- What. What eh.. what do you mean? Did someone attack her? She will be alright, right? She will be just fine. I say and smile while the tears are running down my face.
- As i said we don't know, it's possible of course. Don't be too sad or happy yet just stay calm. He says and looks at me with his blue kind eyes.
- Please save her, i can't lose her. I say and i start to make this weird sounds while i cry.
- Come here.
He says and let me in too his arms, it feels good, a hug is always good at sad times. He starts to kiss my head like a dad and he whispers "it's going to be okay." I don't want to stop but i do anyways and i thank him for his support. I ask him if i can see her and he says that i have to wait a few hours. I sit down on a chair and my tears are still falling. I can't do this, if she dosn't make it i don't know what to do. I call her parents and tell them about the accident and they tell me that they're on their way.

What's going on...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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