Dangerous 3 "Burned house" Justin Bieber Fiction

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- Skyler..
- Yes?
- Do you think that it'll work out for me and Justin? Be honest.
- You want me to be honest, then, i don't know really, i don't know him like that i just know everything about him like stuff. I don't know how he is inside.
- Yeah..
- Well tomorrow is your date and hopefully you'll have a great time and you two will get more serious.
- Mhm..
- Or.. It goes to hell and i'll wipe your tears and give you chocolate for a week.
- Skyler!
- Sorry sorry.. But i think it will be great.
- I hope so, i can't believe i'm going on a date with Justin Bieber. It's pretty sick. It's just like that.
- I know, i want to be in your shoes so badly, but i can meet him and that is the best thing ever. Skyler says and smiles big.
- Haha.. I say and the conversation is ended.

I turn around and stare at the wall. I'm really nervous about tomorrow.. Well it's 11:23 PM and i am actually tired. So i look at Skyler who's watching TV and then i close my eyes and try to fall asleep.


I open my eyes and see the sunlight in my room. I slowly turn around and pick up my phone to see what time it is and it's 12:31 PM. Skyler is still sleeping so i walk downstairs quietly. I have no appetite so i'll skip the breakfast. I start to think about yesterday. I wasn't ready for real sex, that's why i didn't let him go down in my panties. But the other stuff we did wasn't that dirty. Or maybe it was, i just enjoyed and i don't see that as a dirty thing. I hear that Skyler has woken up and that she's on her way down. When she's down she tells me good morning and she make herself breakfast. She has her own house but she has been here since after the concert and i don't have a problem with that.

- Ariana.. Skyler says with her morning voice.
- Yes Sky?
- What did you do yesterday at the pizzeria? Just tell me.
- Nothing i told you, just let it go, it's not a big deal. I say and sigh.
- Yes it is! We are best friends, i mean, i tell you exactly everything.
- Fine, you're right.
- Well.. She says and look at me curiously.
- Justin came by.
- He did!? What happened?
- We made out a little..
- And..?
- He took his clothes of, and mine.
- Mhm..
- And things happened.
- Seriously, things? Tell me! Don't say you.
- No! I interrupt her with.
- Okay well?
- I kind of gave him a blow job. I mumble.
- You what! Are you serious?
- Yes.
- Oh my god, well. How was it?
- Good, i guess.
- Ari..
- It was really good actually.
- Was it big?
- Skyler! Stop it.
- Hehe sorry, just.. How big was it? Just answer me that and then i'll be quiet.
- It was really big.. Maybe around eighteen centimeters. I say and blush a little.
- Did something else happen?
- No we just kissed around.
- Okay, that is really crazy.
- I know can we stop talk about it. It's a little embarrassing.

She answers, okay and we start to talk about normal and different stuff like school and music. When it's 6 PM Will steps by and while i'm upstairs changing Skyler tells him about me and Justin i hear, but it's fine because it's not a secret. I look at my wardrobe and i see my blue tight dress. I really like it and i don't use it very often. I fix my make up while i think about which jewelries i should wear. I put on my diamond earrings after the make up and i skip the matching necklace. I take off my baggy t-shirt and my sweatpants and i prepare the dress. When i stand in the room with only underwear i hear someone walk in to the room and i don't look back cause i know it's Skyler. I feel two big arms around my waist and i notice it's not Skyler so i turn around and there is Will.

- Ehm hey Will.. I'm changing. Would you mind to wait a little? I say and look at him strange.
- No, i want to tell you something first. He says and look serious.
- What is it? I say and feel curios.

He gets closer to me and then he kisses me fast and i push him away. "Eh Will, i'm sorry, i just.. I don't understand, we are friends right? What the hell are you doing.." I say and get confused. He dosn't answer, he just looks at me weird. I look into his eyes, he looks different. I try to ignore him and i'm about to put on my dress but he takes his arms around me and push me into his arms. "Will, stop it, can't we talk?" I say while i try to push myself away but he's stronger then me and he won't let go. "What's wrong with you!" I shout and he slaps me hard on the cheek. I take deep breaths and try to get of him but he holds me really hard and he starts to kiss me. I refuse to kiss back but he dosn't care. He's still kissing me and he starts to unbutton my bra and when i'm about to call for Skyler he takes his big warm hand on my mouth. I try to scream and scream but his big hand keeps the sound down. I try to bite him but it dosn't work, i'm all stuck. He takes off his sweater and i look at his body. He slowly begins to squeeze my breast and then i see Skyler standing in front of the door and she quietly pick up one of my high heels and smash his head hardly with the heel. He let go of me and fall to the ground.

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