one shot contest!

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Attention Members of SHIELD! This account is holding a one shot writing contest. Exciting right?

We have a dialogue prompt that must be used in the one shot. You will need to base the one shot around this prompt as well.

To enter, tag this account and pm us as well just to make sure we get to your entry. You can make a separate book or just post the one shot in one of your already existing books. Either one works.

The one shot can be about any Marvel character. We love them all so any one you choose is welcome.

It can also take place in any event, this can also take place in the time for Captain America: Civil War!

Also, please make sure the imagine is no more than 1000 words.

Alright, fam. Drum roll... The dialogue prompt for your imagine is...

"In my defense, I was left unsupervised."

Make it fluffy! Make it so sad it rips our hearts out! Make it funny! Be creative!

The one shot must be posted by Sunday March 20th or it will not be considered for the contest. We will be selecting a winner and a runner up.

If you are the winner or a runner up we will tag you in the chapter that we announce the winners and such. We will also add you book to our Contest Winners reading list.

Wow that was a mouthful. If you have any questions or anything doesn't make sense, feel free to ask! Thank you for all your support of this account and happy writing!


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