Chapter One - Irreconcilable Differences

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Mid-October, Seventh Year

Lily Evans walked into Professor McGonagall's office and greeted her, taking her usual chair in front of the desk. Glancing at the other empty chair beside her, she rolled her eyes...Potter was late again. It was unbelievable, the irony of it does someone who misbehaves as much as he and his friends do every day become Head Boy?

"Miss Evans, did you happen to see Mr. Potter on your way up?" McGonagall asked crisply. Lily shook her head in the negative, but didn't say anything. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would launch into a tirade about all the things that were wrong with James Potter - and she knew very well that McGonagall had a soft spot for him. Probably just because he's the best chaser on the house Quidditch team. Personally, Lily thought the school placed far too much emphasis on that game. Just as McGonagall glanced irritatedly at the clock, the door opened and the Head Boy in question walked in as if he had all the time in the world. McGonagall pursed her lips at him, but before she could say anything, he flashed her a smile and said simply,

"Sorry, held up at practice."

McGonagall softened, just as she always did, and Lily thought she might be sick. How was it that everyone could like this boy when he was so obviously full of himself? Lily wished for the millionth time that they were reporting directly to the Headmaster every week instead of McGonagall...perhaps then Potter wouldn't be so smug about his disregard for the precious time other people spent waiting for him all the time.

"Well then, Potter...I expect to see results in next week's game. Sit."

He took his place next to Lily, and neither of them spared the other a glance. It was common knowledge that they didn't get along very well, and so there was no use in keeping up pretenses. McGonagall shuffled her papers and then looked at them expectantly. "Well? Any problems this week?"

Lily and James both shook their heads, and James spoke first. "Not too many points taken this week, Professor...but the students of Gryffindor have been inquiring about permission to have a party in the Common Room at the end of the term."

Lily rolled her eyes...again with this party! The end of the term wasn't for two months, and already people were going to be shirking their duties in anticipation of it without adding a party to the mix.

"Professor," she broke in, "I must add that I don't think this is such a good idea."

McGonagall looked at her expectantly as James sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. Without looking at him, Lily continued stoically,

"In light of what happened at the last end-of-term party Gryffidor was allowed..."

"An incident which was completely beyond anyone's control," James interrupted infuriatingly.

"...I don't think we should be sending the message that such behavior is acceptable by allowing another party to take place."

McGonagall nodded sagely, her eyes narrowed in thought, and replied, "Yes, I see your point Miss Evans. The incident with the curtains catching fire is fresh in my mind as well, I assure you."

"A fact which Miss Evans is quite aware of but has apparently forgotten to point out," James continued in a highly condascending tone, "is that the students of Gryffindor have been on excellent behavior all term, and they should be rewarded somehow. You said it yourself, Professor. And anyway, all this happened nearly two years ago!"

Lily stiffened at his tone and countered, "This may be...however, I believe the incident with the fire nevertheless demonstrates the kind of loss of control that can happen at these parties..."

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