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Love admired Adam with an inscrutable expression on his face. Adam was a small man, probably around 5'5", and he had a face completely covered in freckles. He also had long, brown curls that sprung around his green eyes. A cherry blush crept onto his spotted cheeks under Love's scrutinizing gaze.
Love wasn't an overly large man himself, but he was considerably taller than Adam, standing at six feet. He was muscular, not overly large, and Adam found himself extremely attracted to him. Love's black hair was up in a bun that connected to a beard that surrounded his face. It contrasted greatly with his light grey eyes that menacingly roved over Adam's body.
Adam shifted from foot to foot uncomfortable with his fiery gaze. He wasn't the most confident person and he hated when people stared at him; it made him feel like he was being talked about and judged although no one even noticed him. Out of habit, Adam dropped his eyes down and angled his head away from Love's eyes.
Love noticed the motion and frowned.
"Lift your head up." Love said monotonously.
Adam kept his head down, embarrassed that he had been caught in his discomfort.
"Lift. Your. Head. Up." Love commanded, voice dropping low.
Adam snapped his eyes up to Love's and the look in his eyes sent a wave of warmth to his belly that made him shiver. Adam noticed that Love had moved closer to him, but still kept his distance.
"Mr. Marceaux, you are an extraordinarily beautiful man. Whatever insecurities you have must be left at the door. There is no need for them here. Understand?"
Adam nodded, but Love shook his head patiently.
"This will be brought out in our discussion, but for future reference when we are in a scene, which I usually start when my subs arrive, when answering me I require a 'yes sir', 'no sir'." Love explained.
"Yes sir." Adam laughed lightly.
Love smiled and motioned for Adam to follow him further into the expensive hotel suite he had told Adam to meet him. Adam looked around at the suite. It was rather large just to be one bedroom, however, it was the Mandarin Oriental. It was one of the most expensive hotels in France which was frequented by celebrities and elites alike.
The Mandarin Oriental rooms were $1,000 plus a night depending on the size. It had a restaurant, a bakery, and other amenities inside that added to the cost. Certain rooms had a view of the Eiffel Tower, but if not Paris was still a beautiful city with gorgeous views, especially at night. Adam had been apprehensive to meet at such an expensive place, but Love had insisted that he'd pay so Adam didn't resist.
Adam was lead to the siting area where a wooden table sat beside an open window. Love gestured for Adam to sit in the chair he held and once he did, sat also.
"Thank you sir." Adam smirked and winked at Love.
" If you haven't caught on, you calling me 'sir' with that sexy little voice of yours...it turns me on. I have to keep reminding myself that we are here to talk and I can't fuck you the way I really want to." Love said. His mouth was parted slightly.
Adam swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry, and slyly added pressure to the erection he was sporting. He moaned quietly, staring Love in the eye.
"How do you want to fuck me?" Adam breathed, continuing
"How do you think?" Love challenged.
"Well every Dominant is different. I can speculate, but I want to know exactly how you want to fuck me." Adam replied smirking.
"If you must know, I plan on bending your smart little ass over my knee and smacking it until you beg me to stop, and even then I may continue. After that I will fuck you and watch your face so that I can learn how your body reacts to me. Make you beg me to let you come. Et cetera."
Love nodded and was able to keep his heavy breathing steady. The visual Love put into his head had him ready to explode, and the pleasure in knowing he was masturbating without Love knowing was even more erotic. Not wanting to come in front of him though, Adam moved his hand away.
"So um..." Adam cleared his throat,"We gonna discuss this Dom/Sub relationship or what?"
"Yes. My first question...when was the last time you in engaged in a BDSM scene? In a relationship or out?"
"Two years ago with my last boyfriend. He introduced me to it. It's not the only sexuality of it I like. I've always been attracted to...submission.The idea of someone having power over me. It's arousing. Sexually at least, not generally speaking." Adam said sitting up straighter and taking a deep breath.
          "Was he experienced? Did you break up with him because he wasn't?"Love asked curiously. He hated when new Subs got taken advantage of by Doms who were just as new and inexperienced.
          "No. He was experienced. Nothing ever hurt that I didn't want to, and he was very attentive to the things that I wanted and needed before, during, and after the scene. He was nine years older than me and owned one of the BDSM clubs in Manhattan. After we dated for a few months he invited me to stay with him there. New York is very fast-paced and it got a little overwhelming, so I asked him if he'd want to move here to Paris. He said no. I said I can't stay. Then we broke up. End of story." Adam admonished turning his head to gaze out of the window.
     Love felt as if there was more to that story, but obviously Adam didn't want to divulge that information to him yet so he let it go.
          "Okay. What did you find out about yourself during your relationship with him? Sexually." Love asked instead. Adam returned his gaze to Love.
          "What I learned?" Adam smiled. "I learned that I like to have my hair pulled. That was one the first things I figured out. It was our first time together and I was sucking his dick. I don't know what I did, but he grabbed my hair and pulled it hard. I got so aroused by it that I almost came. The majority of our scenes were trial and errors. Trying to see what I liked, disliked. We practiced edging a lot to teach me to control my orgasms or how I should apologize if I did without his permission. Lots and lots of things."
          "What do you like and dislike?"
          "The main things are the hair pulling. I like to be spanked with belts and hands until my ass is bruised. I also like to be bound and choked, but not to the point where I can't breath. I don't like to be called bad names like slut, bitch, or whore. I hate it. It doesn't come off to me as true Dominance, just rudeness. My only thing that you may or may not struggle with is my requirement of monogamy. I want this to be a potential relationship, you know? Not just sex." Adam said sternly, looking Love in his eyes.
          "I am not bothered. I've always been monogamous in my ventures. Everyone is always tested beforehand and condoms were always used. As for the relationship portion I can agree. After we wrap up things here I'd like to take you downstairs to the restaurant for dinner, if that is okay with you." Love said.
          "I'd like that." Adam smiled, blushing slightly.
     Love smiled back, gazing at Adam's rose cheeks. Beautiful.
     After another hour or so, Love and Adam both agreed that anything else that needed to be discussed could be said the next time they met. Adam hadn't eaten that afternoon and was really pushing to get to the restaurant. He had a tendency to pass out when he got hungry, and he really wanted to save himself the embarrassment.
     Love escorted Adam through the doors leading to Camélia. The restaurant was beautiful in its decor. The carpeting was mostly white,like most of the walls-although there was one a dark wooden wall one one side of the restaurant and columns in the middle-but also had areas of gray squaring. The white walls had added depth from the curved, white wall panels that stretched across it. They were taken to a table in the middle of the restaurant that had plush white chairs, table cloth, and neat dinnerware elegantly placed on either side of it. Outside, there was a large circular chair inside a white cage that resembled a bird cage.It was surrounded by flowers and shrubs, appearing to be a table for a large group of people. Adam looked around in awe.
     Once seated, Adam couldn't keep his admiration to himself.
          "I can't believe how beautiful this place is, Love. The hotel, the restaurant, everything. It's just so...nice. Thank you for bringing me here." Adam thanked him.
          "You're welcome. When I lived here in Paris, I used to work here, and fell in love with it. I don't know if the old chef is here, but the name hasn't changed so I believe so."
          "You used to be a cook?"
          "Yeah. Four years ago before I started working with my father. I was the sous chef to Thierry Marx. Hopefully he's still here so I can say hello." Love said looking towards the door that lead to the kitchen.
          "That's really cool. I wouldn't have thought you were into cooking." Adam stated picking up one of the menus,"what do you suggest I get?"
     Love picked up the menu and looked over it a bit.
           "I'd suggest La Poularde. It is chicken with potatoes and stuffed cabbage along side it. I've had it before and it's really good." Love said looking up at Adam.
          "Okay. I'll get it." Adam stated as their waiter made his way over to their table.
     The waitress was a young boy in his twenties who Love instantly recognized and vice versa.
          "Love? Love Ivanov? Oh my goodness. It's me Olly. How have you been?" Olly beamed at Love.
     Love smiled wide and stood to hug the other man. Adam stared at them, quietly contemplating. Love didn't appear uncomfortable and the words they were exchanging appeared to be harmless friendly banter. The only thing that bothered Adam was that the language had switched to English, a language he didn't know.
When Adam had moved to New York that wasn't much of a problem because there were a lot of Italian places and people that he could go and talk to. His father had been Italian and taught him how to speak it alongside French which proved helpful then. Because of that, he hadn't really paid attention to the English around him. He truly only knew the basic hello, goodbye, I don't speak English.
"This is my date, Adam Marceaux. Adam this is my friend Olly Alexander. He was just a cook when I was here, but now he's the sous chef." Love introduced, a proud smile on his face.
"It's nice to meet you. Congratulations." Adam smiled.
"Thank you. I was asked to fill in as a waiter for the hour because one of ours is late. Again." Olly rolled his eyes playfully.
Love sat back down and Adam shifted uncomfortably. He could feel the headache of hunger coming on and he'd still have to wait for it to cook. Love noticed and understood.
"Olly, do you mind if we order now?"
"Oh yeah sure." He said pulling out his notepad.
Adam ordered first, then Love, and Olly assured their food would be out first. Love stared at Adam, smiling, and Adam blushed.
"You are so beautiful Adam. I cannot wait to have you lie under me." He admitted appreciatively.
"Thank you." Adam breathed, trying to concise his shy smile.
" Will you meet me for lunch tomorrow? I can pick you up." Love asked toying with his silverware. Adam idly wondered if that was a nervous tick of his.
"Yes. I'd like to see you." Adam replied.
"Good." Love winked at him.
Adam looked over to see Olly approaching with their food and uttered a quiet," Thank God."

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