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Love woke up with an erection so hard that it was beginning to ache. His forehead had a sheen of sweat over it, his breathing was heavy and hot, and his body was vibrating with arousal. He kept his eyes closed to keep the dream he was having vivid in his mind as he moved his hand over his groin and squeezed. Moaning, he let himself slip deeper into the fantasy he was having, hanging between sleep and awareness.
Adam was tied to his bed post, blindfolded and panting heavily as Love sucked his cock into his mouth. Adam arched his back off of the bed, groaning in pleasure, Love's expert tongue flicking over his head.
          "Please...Sir please let me come."he begged, his voice breaking slightly. His body had a fine quiver to it and Love smiled devilishly.
"Not yet. I believe you cursed at me a second ago. That's not how you get things in this world Mr. Marceaux."
Adam groaned in agony, but he didn't apologize or beg again, just held on to the mattress with white-knuckled hands. Love moaned as he watched Adam, reveling in the complete control he had over his body, over his pleasure...
Love cried out once, then bit his lip as he came all over his hand and stomach. He laid there for another minute or so to let his aftershocks pass, then he stood, making his way to his bathroom where he turned on the shower. He undressed, shedding his pants and boxer-briefs, and stepped into the steady stream of hot water.
When he slept, to prevent knots and such, Love braided his hair into one long French braid that extended a little past his shoulders. Now, he untied it, added in a little shampoo, and scrubbed it clean. Afterwards, he moved onto his body, washing all traced of his semen down the drain.
     When he heard his cellphone ringing, Love shut off his shower, wrapped a towel around his hips, and picked up his phone. The caller ID displayed Adam's name on it to which he smiled and answered.
          "Good morning Adam."Love greeted.
          "Good morning Love, um...good morning."
     Chuckling, Love waited for Adam to continue while he dried his body and hair. He heard Adam whisper something then he just...took off.
         "Okay so my friend just decided to show up at my door and I really want to meet you for lunch alone but she is very insistent that she come too so that she could scope you out and I told her no but she's being very herself and you can't tell herself no so can she join us or would that be completely weird?" Adam finished.
     Love thought for a moment then figured nothing bad could come from it.
          "No it's not weird. I'd be delighted to meet your friend. My driver Nolan should be there shortly." Love smiled into the phone. He swore he could feel the relief on the the other end of the phone.
          "Okay great. I guess I'll see you there. Bye."
     Adam disconnected the phone and Love went back to getting dressed. He chose to be more casual today and wore dark jeans with a regular white t-shirt. Love pulled his hair into a bun then went into his bathroom to deal with his face. His beard was glorious in its thick sleekness, but it was worlds away from his usual clean shaven face he had been accustomed to. One of his Subs had suggested he grow a beard because it was masculine and suggested his power, although Love figured it was just because the Sub liked them. Love grabbed his vile of oil he used to prevent itchiness and rubbed some throughout his beard and hair enough to do the job without making it look or feel greasy.
Walking into his living room, Love turned on the news while he waited for his maid, Elise, to make his coffee. She was a middle-aged woman who had come begging for work so that she could buy medicine for her sickly child. Love had empathy for her and agreed to pay her child's medical expenses for service at his home.
"Here you are Mr. Ivanov." She said handing him a mug.
"Thank you Elise. You can take the day off today. I won't be back here tonight. Tell André I send him my regards." Love told her as he sipped his coffee.
"Thank you sir. I will." Elise bowed slightly then scurried off toward the other side of the house.
Turning towards the television, Love watched in mute horror as he saw one of his employees' face pop onto the screen. The newscaster spoke about how Damien Lowry, a twenty year old male, was found dead in the Seine River last night by a fisherman. He had gunshot wounds in his body, but none of them appeared to have caused his fatality. More information was to follow in the coming hours.
Love stood abruptly, storming to his bedroom to grab his cellphone, wallet, and keys, then out of his house. Dialing a number, he hit call and waited while he got into his Car.
"Petrov." a deep baritone answered.
"Lowry." was Love's only reply.
"I know. I'm looking into it now. I'll have something within the hour."
"You need to have a lot more than something Petrov. Lowry was your responsibility. Fix this." Love snapped before he hung up the phone. Shit.
When Nolan told Love that they had arrived, Love walked to the back part of the restaurant that was in-view of the front door, but invisible to the people walking through. Love was eager to see who Adam's friend was-he wanted to size her up to see how he'd approach speaking with her.
     Her being present seemed innocent enough. With the type of relationship Love and Adam were approaching, any good friend who be a little wary. Well, if she knew about Adam's sexual interest even though Love was almost sure she did.
     A few moments later, Love spotted Adam and his friend being escorted back by the host. His friend was wearing a large sun hat and funky, cheetah printed sunglasses.  Her dress was an olive green, slim fitting, and flowed down her long legs to her high heeled feet. She also wore golden hoop earrings that accented her smooth brown skin.
Adam looked absolutely delectable with his burgundy sweater on top of a white colored shirt. He wore black jeans that fit his legs along with black boots and he carried a tan messenger bag across his chest. Love liked Adam's look-a chill hipster-and his friend's as well-a freelance fashionista. They would have made a cute couple if Adam were straight. The woman removed her hat and glasses as they sat down and Love's already teetering mood shifted:they'd make a cute couple if Adam was straight and-if Eris Peyton wasn't an asshole spy. Fuck, what are the odds?
    Love was tempted to leave, but he didn't want to do that to Adam. He knew he was here and Love himself did want to spend time with him. It was just Eris. Love and Eris had a far past and near past. The near past consisted of Love's security finding her several times in his house snooping around, but he had known what angering her would cause so he just let it go. She had a smart ass mouth and acted as if Love being angry with her was unjustified. Their far past was Love knowing her when he was young. Eris had always been confident and friendly, but everything was a joke to her even though she was one of the most serious people on the planet when the time called for it. Love had always wondered if she was bipolar.
     Deciding to just face her now then later, Love walked out of his hiding place over to the table. Adam spotted him first, standing to greet him.
          "Hey." Adam smiled, standing awkwardly as he was unsure of what to do.
     Love smiled back saying hello as he wrapped his arms around Adam who immediately returned the hug. As they pulled away, Love saw Eris eyeing them with a I'm going to fuck with you face. Love groaned inwardly.
          "Hello handsome. You must be Love. My dear friend hasn't told me about you, so I figured I could find out about you myself. My name is Eris." she said and extending her right hand out to Love.
          "Enchanté Eris. I am Love."he replied taking her hand.
     They all sat down, Love on the side facing the door, Adam and Peyton in front of him. There was no room for awkward silence as Eris broke it immediately.
          "So Love, how did you two meet?"
          "We met on a dating site." Love replied uneasily. Here we go.
          "Oh is that right? What drew you to Adam? He's cute as a button, but the site matches people based on similar...interests." She said highlighting the last word,"what do you have in common?"
     Love glanced at Adam whose face was red with embarrassment. Love had figured he had at least told Eris about their preferences, so she must be giving Adam shit. As Love was about to answer, Adam spoke up.
          "I already told you Eris. Stop being an ass." Adam said looking at her.
          "How can I stop being what I am?" She smiled at him, making Adam roll his eyes but smiled anyway.
     Eris hadn't changed at all. Pure asshole, but a lovable one. Love still liked her, they were friends, but she was nosy, therefore dangerous to have around. They hadn't spoken since the last time she'd broken into his house.
          "Adam did tell me." Eris said to Love,"You two are going to be in a Dominant/Submissive relationship. I've known about Adam's sex life since he started having one. My main motivation for being here is to make sure my friend will be taken care of properly.  He's only been in one relationship of the sort before you. Did you know that?" Eris explained taking on a serious tone.
"I know that he was in a similar relationship, yes." Love replied raising his eyebrows. What was she getting at?
"Well for the sake of our here friend I will spare the details of that relationship. Just know that we both want to beat the bastard over the head with a club. I'm here to check you for traits that Adam just can't seem to detect."
"Have you found any?" Love retorted with a smile on his face.
"Not yet. I don't think I will either. You remind me of an old friend of mine. We aren't very close anymore, but he was very trustworthy. He was really something."Eris said looking Love in the eyes, "I miss him."
     Love was the first to break their eye contact to look over to a bewildered Adam. He was looking at Eris with a confused look on his face, but also a solemn one. Love wondered why.
"What happened to him?" Adam finally asked.
"We stopped speaking because of some stuff with our parents. We got into contact after that, but I made some mistakes and I don't know if we'll ever be on speaking terms again. Doesn't matter. What matters right now is that you, Love, treat Adam with care." Eris said staring a hole into the side of Love's forehead.
     Love could feel the glare and decided to face her. Love was familiar with Eris' word play and innuendos. He knew she was talking about him, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to play back into his friend's hands.
"I can assure you that Adam's safety is the first thing on my mind. And I'm sure your friend, whoever they are, will forgive you if you make an effort to right your mistakes. I've lost many friends because I decided to be stubborn." Love replied looking between the both of them.
"Good point. That's probably why Eris is my only friend." Adam agreed clueless to the underlining issue.
     Eris started to laugh. "Who said we were friends?" Adam began to laugh too, playfully punching Eris in the arm.
     The rest of the morning passed by quickly and without any further talk of the past or present relationships. They ordered and ate around nice conversation. Eris talked about new things that were going on with her life, most of which Love already knew about, and he learned a lot about Adam too.  His intelligence for one was impression. The things he had opinions about sounded so good Love found himself believing the same thing. If he really wanted to, Adam could make a good politician. He also learned that Adam liked to paint, was shy, but outspoken, and knew how to speak about nine languages.
"Why so many?" Love wondered.
"My family members are very nationalistic and don't want to know any language outside of their own. My grandfather on my dad's side only speaks Italian and my grandmother only speaks French. My uncle Ricardio only speaks Spanish and a lot of my cousins only speak German. I grew up around all of them so...I just learned."
"I could never. I know three, but nine? No. I barely remember my native tongue." Love said truly amazed.
     Adam blushed, but this time he didn't put his head down. He looked Love directly in the eye and smiled. It was a small difference, very small, but big enough for Love to know Adam was flirting with him. Love knew Adam had no problems with dirty talk. He was probably trying to spare Eris' feeling, but that definitely wasn't a problem for her..
"Well this was nice, but I must bid you adieu. I have some business to take care of in Lyon. An old coworker of mine is arriving and I have to meet her." Eris told them standing up.
"Okay. Wasn't I supposed to go with you?" Adam asked, standing to hug her.
"Yeah, and just to warn you Vicky will be there too." Eris said glancing over Adam's shoulder to Love's face. Love looked back at her and it took him two seconds to know exactly what was going down.
     Adam walked over to Love who stood up. Adam threw his arms around his waist and took a deep breath.
          "This was really nice. I'd like to see you later if you have time." Adam suggested looking up at Love.
     Love took the time to admire Adam's features, his cock taking notice as well.
          "I will make time. Just call me." love smiled down. Adam hesitantly released him, standing again next to Eris.
     Eris held out her hand to Love who took it and shook firmly, squeezing twice. Eris smiled, pulling her hand away.
     Adam and Eris waved once more as before turning and leaving.
     Love waved back, waited five minutes, then called for the check. Once paid for, he took out his phone and made a call.

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