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(Left to right: Mcaelyn and Mikki)
Mikki skipped into the maze, dropping tiny pieces of corn behind her. She found a peaceful spot to sit herself down and sketch the new part of the maze she was in for Minho. She had visited the map room before she had snuck out and sketched three quarters of the maze. The fourth quarter she assumed was false. So that's where she had gone to look for Reihana.

She placed her sketch pad in her pack and climbed the wall. Gripping the vines, she pulled herself up the wall. When she got atop the wall, she pulled out a camera. She took a few pictures of the maze, occasionally walking across the wall to get another angle. She turned on the wall to look at the Glade. The big green square was dotted with Gladers and smaller brown cubes. She balanced and made her way to the wall surrounding the Glade. She pulled the camera out and held it at the ready.

"Smile, shanks!!" She murmured to herself, snapping pictures. She snapped a few, then retreated back to the maze. She packed her stuff back up and tip toed back to her climbing place.

She walked across the Glade, gripping her pack strap. She had completed the fourth quarter of the maze for Minho, but she had a lot more things to do.

1. Have breakfast (she was craving Frypan's bacon)
2. Check on Newt (he jumped off a wall)
3. Show Minho the second copy of the fourth quarter (she traced it to another piece of paper)
4. Continue her search for Reihana (she got a bit destracted before)
5. Make sure she wasn't seen


She skipped to the kitchen. She flopped down on a stool and smiled at Frypan.

"Mornin', sweetie!" He beamed. "Bacon brekkie?"
She nodded as a response, slurping water from her bottle. "How's Newtie?"
Frypan huffed. "That boy. You planning to see him?"
"I already did," she told him, biting into the bacon "only last time I saw him he gave me the marvelous idea to stand on the wall to look for Reihana! Absolutely genius! Only, he must have gotten tired, or decided to try and be Tarzan, or at least a Griever. Because then he jumped! Outrageous!"
Frypan's brows furrowed. "Reihana?"
She showed him the photo, pointing at the missing boy. "Him!"
Frypan grabbed the picture, staring like it was a million dollars. "You need to show this to Newt when he wakes up."

He shoved it into her hand and she handed it back, taking the last mouthful of bacon "Look at the back. And why have you never met Reihana?"

"Was never in the Glade, as far as I'm aware." He said, slowly scrolling his eyes across the writing. He handed it back. "But Newt is really the better one to talk to if you want to learn history on this shuck place and who has been here."

"Thanks, Siggy!" She said, giving Frypan a big hug. He was like the father she never had, almost like a mother.

She ran to the Homestead. She walked into a room with an open door. Newt lay there, being stitched up by Clint.

"How is your morning, Clint?" She asked, sitting down in a chair near the door. "Mine involved Newt trying to fly! Don't blame him, I want to fly. Only when I want to fly, I would use certain chemicals to create the low gravity effect!"

He hadn't the slightest idea what she was talking about, and she realized that. "I have something for Newt."

He looked at her. "Don't think he really wants a kiss goodnight."
She mimed puking into a nearby bucket. "NO!! Clint, you are one sick minded doctor!! What I do have is something that will probably impact my future!"

He rolled his eyes. She crossed her legs and pressed her fingers together in a mature and civil manner. "It's a photo. Siggy told me to show it to Newtie Potato."

"Don't call him that. Just... don't. " Clint said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Photo? What do you mean... Photo?"

"A photo." She told him, nodding. "A tiny flap of paper with tiny pixels, forming a picture. If I wanted a picture of a potato, I would need to request WICKED for; A magic pixel maker machine, A-"

She frowned, then tapped her nose. She shook her head, smiling. "Forgot what it's called. It's like a magic photo that if you tap a small... panel? Button!! Yes! If you tap a button, then it moves!!! ITS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I think..."

Newt groaned and rolled on his side.

"It huuuurrrttttssss....." he groaned, tossing and turning. Mikki coughed, saying something undecipherable. Clint patted Newts leg. "Hold still, Newt. It'll make it worse."

A boy walked into Newt's room. It was the boy Mikki had seen Newt talking to at the bonfire. He had long sandy blonde hair in a braid and was vertically challenged. Mikki frowned at him, then smiled. She waved.

"Hi!" she hissed, grinning. "I'm Mikki! Who are you??"
"I'm Toby!!" he told her, jumping quite excitedly. "But, but m-my friends call me Toe-Bar!!"
"Hi, Toe-Bar!!" She whispered, waving. "Do you like going against the rules?"
Toby looked around as if he was making sure Clint wasn't listening. Clint, who had walked out of the room. He nodded, smiling and jumping. She grinned and nodded slowly.

"Come with me after we check in on Newt. Kay?" She told him, whispering. He nodded excitedly. Mikki turned to Newt, who blinked himself awake. His eyes scrolled the room drunkly.

"Where am I?" He asked. Mikki looked at Toby, then nodded. She looked at Newt, acting very calm. She smiled.
"Aren't you a bit small to be here? You seem like a very young man!" She exclaimed.
"Bloody hell, you're twelve." Newt mumbled.
"I know, I am a bit young, but I was shot down with my parents. Welcome to Heaven!!"
Newt frowned at her, then rolled his eyes. "Hadi bloody ha." He groaned, clutching his ankle.
"Hey, whoa, whoa! Slow down, tiger!" Mikki exclaimed, patting his head. "Doctor's orders!"
He sighed, then lay on his side. "Whatever."
Clint walked back in "Alright, you two. Leave the man alone."
Mikki nodded to Toby, then the two of them fled outside.

If My Primary Class Were In The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now