The Ampora's

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     Kankri and Karkat had just finished washing up and were now ready for their history lesson in the "class room" which was just a spare room covered in maps and math posters, with several book shelves.  Their father entered the room and smiled at the two boys. One who was looking especially grouchy today not really paying much attention and the other was organized and ready to learn, but unlike most days he seemed to be day dreaming a little and slightly distracted.
     "Kankri is everything alright? You seem a little distracted." At hearing his name Kankri looked at his father.
     "9h s9rry father its n9thing." Karkat turned his head to look at Kankri.
     "THATS BULL SHIT. YOU SPENT ALMOST ALL LUNCH TEXTING PEOPLE, AND I KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT YOUR NOT THAT POPULAR. SO SOMEONE MUST HAVE BEEN GIVING YOU SHIT." Karkat was always looking for away to get his older brother in trouble or at the very least get him pissed off.
     "Karkat I hardly d9u6t thats any 9f y9ur 6usiness." Kankri shot Karkat a glair that said shut the fuck up. Which to Karkat meant go ahead speak some more.
     "Kankri is everything okay?" Kankri was rather annoyed by this point, mostly because of Karkat.
     "Father I assure y9u I'm fine. M9st 9f my ann9yance was just fr9m Meenah and I t99k care 9f that. I was just b9thered that she messaged me thr9ugh P9rrims ph9ne which I assume she st9le, and n9t even a few minuets later she just handed it 9ff t9 s9me9ne else. That pers9n als9 messaged me and even th9ugh I didn't really kn9w them the c9nversation wasn't all t9 6ad 9ddly enough to say. I'm just c9ncerned f9r P9rrim, I h9nestly h9pe she gets her ph9ne 6ack..." Kankri thought for a moment.
     "I just really feel like I've herd their name 6ef9re."
     "Whos name?"
     "9h please f9rgive me father I guess I f9rg9t t9 menti9n his name was Cr9nus 6ut thats n9t what s9unded familiar. What s9unded familiar was his last name, Amp9ra. Have y9u ever heard 9f it?" Kankri watched his father's eyes widen and an expression became angry.
"Listen here boys. I haven't discussed this with you before but I will now. We do NOT get involved with the Amporas.We do not speak to the Amporas. We do not look at the Amporas. We do not smell the Amporas. We do not even THINK about the Amporas." After that Signless continued to rant about the Amporas and all of their wrong doings. Mostly speaking from experience with Dualscar.
Kankri didn't really know what to think. Cronus seemed decent over trollian, and he already agreed to speak with him more on the grounds that he returned Porrim's phone.  Hell Cronus even had his trollian handle. Kankri never argued with what his father told him. He was well behaved and always listened.  But Kankri wasn't to quick to listen to this father this time. Kankri zoned out as his father spoke which a he rarely ever did. It felt weird for Kankri, not wanting to listen to his father. He never doubted him but now... He was. ' why d9 I feel the need to speak t9 this tr9ll s9 badly?' Kankri thought it over remembering back to the conversation they had earlier and you remember exactly what he said to make you give him a chance. 'its hard for me to find someone who is vwilling to put up with me so long.' And 'I highly doubt you knowv vwhat it is like to try and start a conversation vwith someone and be shot dowvn'.  Kankri gave him a chance at friendship because he seems like he might be the only person he can talk to who understands what its like. 'I haven't heard anything 6ad a69ut Cr9nus and father is 9nly speaking fr9m his experience with Dualscar. Cr9nus might n9t 6e like his father. I'll just have t9 find 9ut f9r myself and... Sh99t Kankri pay attenti9n and think a69ut this later' Kankri redirects his focus on his father who was now talking to Karkat.
     "So Karkat, tell me you won't talk to any of the Amporas, especially Eridan. I hear he is the same age as you."
     "WHY THE FUCK WOULD I TALK TO THAT ASS SACK? I HEAR THE SHIT SOLLUX SAYS AND HE ISN'T WORTH MY TIME." The Signless nodded in approval and looked at Kankri.
     "And am I correct in saying the same goes for you when it comes to Cronus?" Kankri froze. He had no clue what to say. If he said yes than he would be lying about having plans to speak to him again, but if he said no that would cause his father to become out raged and he would surly get into trouble. 'I can't lie to my father but what else am I suppose to do?'.
     "9f c9urse father. I have n9 intentions 9n speaking with him again." 'WHAT DID Y9U SAY THAT F9R???. Great y9ur first lie, this is where every thing g9es d9wn hill. I mean whats next? Cheating, stealing, sneaking 9ut??? H9w am I ever g9ing t9 live with myself?'
     After that their father spends the remainder of the time teaching them about the history of Western Alternia. But Kankri wasn't paying much attention, he was to distracted with other thoughts on his mind.

((I just remembered its easter today and I wanted to post something for it so here is this? Idk why but I like to post on a holidays when I can. Also I forgot because I don't celebrate easter in case you were wondering. Happy Easter!))

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