The Truth

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     Kankri walked in the front door and went to look for his father so he knew he made it home safely. He turned into the kitchen to find his father sitting at the table.
     "Father I've retuned safely." His father sighed, turning off his phone he set it down on the table. He looked at Kankri with a stern look.
"So... How was Porrims?" Kankri felt a little nervous by his fathers expression.
"It was g99d, we discussed alternian p9litics, bl99d casting and P9rrim educated me 9n the unequal treatment 9f the female in 9ur 9ociety. Then we..." He was interrupted by the sound of his fathers fist hitting the table.
"DAMNIT KANKRI!" Kankri could feel his heart stop and tears form in the corner of his eyes.
     "Whats gotten into YOU! Where were you, really. Just don't lie to me." Kankri couldn't find the words he was looking for.
     "... I-I was at P9rrim's" it was all he could think to say.
"Really? Because Porrim messaged me telling that you were, in fact not with her. I know about you and Cronus." His eyes widened. What did he kn9w? What did P9rrim tell him? D9es she kn9w?
     "You have been lying to me for quite some time Kankri. You haven't even been with Porrim at all! You've been going to see that friend of yours, Cronus. Tell me the truth Kankri. Kankri could feel himself shake.
     "It's true... I have 6een g9ing t9 the high 6l99d section t9 see him."
     "Didn't you listen to a damn thing I said about the Ampora's??? I told you not to speak to them but you chose to ignore me anyway."
     "I kn9w father and I am deeply s9rry a69ut that 6ut Cr9nus is different. May6e if y9u..." His father waved his hand dismissively.
     "I've heard enough. Kankri Vantas go to your room your grounded." Kankri put his head down and turned to leave.
     "Phone" he stopped and looked at his father who had his hand extended out to him.
     "Phone NOW!" Kankri reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
     "Father may I ask h9w l9ng I'll be g9unded f9r." He received a cold stare which practically just meant 'a long fucking time'. Kankri placed his phone in his fathers hands and quickly left to go to his room. Luckily his father forgot about his husk top. He quickly turned it on and logged into trollian. As much as I killed him inside, he deleted all of his conversations with Cronus so his father can no longer see them. Then he changed his settings so he wouldn't get a notification when he received a message. He did not wish for his phone to go off while in his father's position, especially if the message was from Cronus. After that the first person on his mind was Porrim.
--KankriVantas[KV] began trolling PorrimMaryam[PM]--
KV: I d9n't even kn9w what t9 say t9 y9u right n9w P9rrim.
PM: I co+uld say the same to+ yo+u, Kankri.
KV: Whats that supp9sed t9 mean?
PM: do+n't think I do+n't kno+w abo+ut yo+u and Cro+nus.
KV: What a69ut Cr9nus and I?
PM: Yo+u guy's hand ho+lding shenanigans. Kankri sto+p playing stupid. I saw the two+ o+f yo+u, I kno+w yo+u're matesprites.
KV: S9 y9u t9ld my FATHER!? N9rmaly I find the use 9f capitulati9n aside 9f the first letter of a word to 6e triggering but right n9w I find it c9mpletely NECESSARY! P9rrim why? My father d9esn't kn9w 9f 9ur matespriteship d9es he?
PM: No+ I just to+ld him that the to+ o+f yo+u were just friends.
KV: Why?
PM: ... Kanny yo+u kno+w I o+nly want what's best fo+r yo+u right? Well... Cro+nus is... no+t that. No+t what's best fo+r yo+u.
KV: H9w d9 y9u kn9w what's 6est f9r me? Have y9u even seen Cr9nus and I t9gether, mean up cl9se of co9urse and n9t creepily watching fr9m y9ur wind9w? P9rrim y9u kn9w me well en9ugh t9 kn9w that if he was treating me p99rly I w9uld leave 9N MY 9WN. I d9 N9T need 9thers intervening in my relationship f9r me t9 leave a 6ad situati9n. S9mething tells me that this wasn't entirely all a69ut me was it?
PM: What are yo+u saying?
KV: What I'm saying is that y9u have away 9f making things m9re a69ut y9urself than 9thers.
PM: WHAT?! No+ Kanny thats no+t it at all I o+nly want what's best fo+r yo+u...
KV: Yes P9rrim I kn9w, y9u have remained me several times. That's what Y9U want right? What's "best fo+r me". 6ut did it ever 9ccure t9 y9u t9 think a69ut what I want? I want t9 6e with Cr9nus and I want t9 6e happy, and I was, 6ut n9w a few c9mplicati9ns have c9me up and n9w Cr9nus and my happiness are b9th 9ut 9f my reach. P9rrim 6e seri9us with me here. Why did y9u d9 it? It is n9 secret that there has 6een a change in the am9unt of time I spend with y9u. I have 6een spending an awful l9t 9f my time with Cr9nus which I have a right t9, 6ut I understand if y9u feel like I just left y9u "hanging" as s9me w9uld say. 6ut that is n9t an excuse f9r y9ur acti9ns. S9 P9rrim just say it. Tell me the truth and quite with the lies
PM:... Yo+u want me to+ tell yo+u the truth?... well alright
PM: I'm pale fo+r yo+u
KV:... What.
PM: I am pale fo+r yo+u. There I said it, twice actually. Kanny I'm so+rry. It's all just been really difficult. I've felt this way fo+r sweeps, I've always tried my best to+ be there fo+r yo+u to+ sho+w yo+u I can be mo+re than just a friend regardless o+f yo+ur vo+w. So+ I guess when yo+u and Cro+nus started to+ get clo+se I knew ho+w much o+f a flirt he co+uld be and didn't like the idea o+f him aro+und yo+u. Then yo+u two+ go+t really clo+se and I felt a little left behind Kanny. So+ when I saw yo+u two+ ho+lding hands I just... kinda lo+st it.
KV: S9 that's it, y9ur jealous? Y9u c9uld have just talked with me and simply t9ld me y9u felt left 9ut 9r ign9red. There were s9 many 6etter ways f9r y9u t9 g9 a69ut this. I c9uld have figured s9mthing 9ut and 6alanced the 6oth 9f y9u. Instead the 9nly pers9n 9n Y9UR MIND WAS Y9URSELF!! Y9u had t9 RUIN what I had 6ecause y9u didn't have what Y9U wanted. I d9n't think I have EVER 6een this triggered 6ef9re in my life! I just can't 6eleive Y9U! I have t9 restrain myself fr9m typing in all caps I am that un6elievably angry. Y9u kn9w what P9rrim y9u are just a selfish... nevermind.
KV: D9 y9u really want what's 6est f9r me?
PM: Of co+urse
KV: Well if that's the case then after I end this c9nversati9n please d9n't message me again. Y9u are 96viously determined t9 rem9ve 6ad pe9ple fr9m my life s9 I think it w9uld 6e 6est if y9u rem9ved y9urself.
PM: Kanny no+ please do+n't!
KV: g99d 6ye P9rrim
--KankriVantas[KV] ceased trolling PorrimMaryam[PM]--

     Kankri ended the conversation, now only looking at the long string of text. The room was dark with only the light of his husk top. It shined on his face as he sat there blankly, not even realizing the tears rolling down his cheeks.

     Porrim threw her phone down on her bed. She let out a loud cry before slamming her face into her pillow not holding back. She had felt plenty of heart break before but not like this. She was almost certain that her heart was eating itself. Her stomach turned and she felt like she was going to throw up.
     "Porrim Is Everything Alright? I Heard You..." Kanaya had opened the door to see her older sister being emotionally torn apart.
     "GET OUT!" Porrim practically screamed at her as she threw the pillow she was holding at Kanaya but the door quickly shut, causing the pillow to hit the door.

(( Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday on my last chapter! I'm happy people are enjoying this story and I hope you like this chapter! [Not sure why you would though it is really sad 😢] enjoy your Saturday))

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