Chapter 1

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As i sat there on the floor hugging my knees, wondering how i will, or if i should tell him that i'm pregnant. He walked out on me. So how would he react to a baby? He's happy with Tasha and this baby is genetically impossible. But i know how he wanted to be a dad.


I'll tell him. I have to. 

As i got up and grabbed my phone i steady my emotions, and dial. The phone goes to voicemail, thank god. 

"Hey Dimitri its rose. Umm i need to talk to you, and i don't know if i should say this over the phone so meet me as soon as you can. Bye," I regret it, but I hope he calls back soon.

 Just as i lay down to go to take a nap he calls 

"Hello?" i say slowly. 

He speaks. " Umm, Rose, I can't meet you for a few months so you should tell me now". 

I start to stutter. "Spit it out." he bellows.

 "I'm pregnant, and it's yours." 

I hear him gasp over the phone. "I don't know what to say except-"

 "you can be happy with tasha i just wanted to tell you" then i hung up, as quick as i could. 

he texted me, it read:

Comrad</3: meet me at the entrance in 20

 Rose:do i need to bring anything

 Comrad</3:yes, clothes and bare necessities 

20 minutes later i see him at the gate. He looks irritated. once i finally reach the gate he takes my bag. 

"how long have you known?" he asked, anger seeping through his usually calm voice.

"A week," i mutter. " i was afraid i would ruin what you had with tasha." 

His eyes soften and he pulls me into his chest. 

"I never stopped loving you." he whispered in my ear. He pulls back and looks into my eyes and i start to lean in. 

He coughs and turns his head away. I step out of his arms and motion for him to start walking.

He looks at me with longing then turns toward the now open gate. 

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