Chapter 5

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i drive till i reach the colorado border and find a motel tomorrow i will drive to texas i awoke to my phone ringing i answered groggy not realizing who it is "hello" "rose you answered" "yeah what up" i pause and look at the contact sigh and say "dimitri" "rose i love you you are my family tasha was lying i said i was leaving to be with you she said she was pregnant adrian saw here arau she's not but where are you" not even thinking i say "the capital of colorado but i will be in texas tomorrow" "ok ok are you safe i will meet you at the texas border tomorrow noon human time" "ok dimitri see you then" i hang up and curse under my breath realizing what just happened i get up and grab my stuff pack it in my car and head to walmart to get some donuts and water i grab real food to knowing dimitri will be mad if i only get donuts but donuts are the best so i did grab like 3 boxes on the way to texas i got lost in my thoughts when i reached the border i text dimitri and say 5 corners noon 20 minutes later he shows up 10 minutes late which is so unlike him but that wasn't him when the sun started to set i realise that he must of stayed with tasha or he forgot about me us i left hopping praying not to run into any strogi i was pulling into a motel at midnight on the dot he texted me and asked where i was i called him and said "you are 12 hours late i waited till the sun went down and you still didn't show so i left about 3 hours ago i don't want to run into any strogi while 3 months pregnant sorry dmitri you missed your chance" i could hear the tears in his voice as he spoke "rose i love you please you know how much i want to be called daddy" i sigh and reply "i am at days inn you have 1 more chance screw it up and i'm gone got it bye"

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