Maddie's crush on bea

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Maddie's pov

"Leah can you help me with something?"Maddie asked her older sister
"Sure hun what is it?"Leah said
"Well I kind of.. maybe have a crush on Beatrice my best friend😳and I was hoping you would help me plan the perfect way to ask her out"Maddie said
"Well the perfect way of asking her out would be a picnic at the park looking up at the sky and then boom you take out a guitar and sing a song to her and win her heart over" Leah said giggling obviously joking
"That's an awesome idea le"Maddie said
"It is mads I was just joking but go ahead baby girl do what you have to do oh also do mom and dad know you're out of the closet yet or..?"Leah said
"Umm nope I just found out myself Leah you're the only one that knows please don't tell anyone not even Demi I'll tell them when I'm ready or when me and bea are hopefully together" Maddie said
"Don't worry bug I won't just know you'll have my support if anything now go plan you're date" Leah said and giggled going back to her phone as Maddie left to her room for now

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