From Trip to Memories..(Niall Horan FanFic)

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Heaven's P.O.V:

I read the text Niall sent with his address to make sure that I was at the right flat which I was. I got out a pen and quickly wrote on the folded up letter; "Urgent, Please read ASAP. -Heaven" and then I opened the car door and walked up to the flats door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No one answered so I got some tape from my car and taped the note to the door. I really hope he reads it. 

Later that night Niall's P.O.V:

"Niall come here buddy looks like a fan left you a love letter!" Lou screamed out to me holding a neatly folded letter in his hand. I grabbed the letter from him and looked at it. "It's probably nothing but thanks mate." I went into my bedroom and read the letter to myself. At first I didn't understand. I had to re read it to understand completely. Oh shit. I knew something was odd about that kid she was holding. Damn it Niall your such a screw up I shouted to myself. I put my head in my hands. What am I going to do? Do I go ahead and tell the boys what was happening? I have to do something and I have to do it fast. I grabbed my car keys and my jacket and put my shoes on quickly. In away I felt a little angry that she didn't tell me sooner but then again how could she? How could I have been so stupid and idiotic. I walked past the boys getting some strange looks from everyone frankly at the moment I don't care. I closed the door and went to my car. I had to get to her. I got to her parents house in 2 hours flat. I knocked and a women I guessed was her mom answered the door. "Hello." She greeted me with a smile. "Hello ms. is Heaven home by any chance?" I asked in the politest way possible even though I was still kinda mixed feelings. She nodded and gestured for me to come inside so I did. "Her rooms to the left shes not feeling well though so please be careful. Whats your name?" She asked. I nodded back to her. "My names Niall ma'am." I informed her walking down the hall. I could hear her say "Oh.." as I did. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" A girls voice said hoarsely. "Niall, May I come in Heaven?" I asked starting to feel bad for ever being angry at her. "Yes, please do." She said hoarsely again. I walked in and saw her in fetal position laying on her bed with tissues every where and her face as pale as a ghost. I sat down on her bed. She sat up and looked at me. I didn't know what to say. I cleared my throat and started with what came to mind. "So I got your letter. Are you okay?" Really Niall? That's the first thing you say? Stupid! "Yes I am fine. The meds aren't helping much though obviously." she spoke up. I looked down before speaking again. "So...Hes really ours?" I asked. This time she didn't speak she just nodded looking away. I could tell there was tears in her eyes. "Look I have decided I do want to be apart of his life and your life too. I'll try the best I can but I am busy so I have no idea how much time I will be able to spend with him and you." I blabbed the truth. She nodded once again. "Niall you don't have to. We aren't a charity case and its not like you can just volunteer to be in his life and then just drop him. No matter if he knows you or not your still in his blood therefore you're always apart of his life. And you're always apart of mine because with out you he wouldn't be here." She went on and on. I looked her in the eyes and tears started to flow out of her eyes. I got closer to her and wiped away her tears. "I want him to know who I am. We both made him I think he really does need a dad in his life, and I know I may not be the best dad but I will try my best okay?" I informed her. She nodded and I pulled her close into a hug. This was the first day of the rest of my life. Am I really ready for this? To late to back out now. 

From Trip to Memories..(Niall Horan FanFic)(IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now