From Trip to Memories..(Niall Horan FanFic)

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Heaven's P.O.V (a week later):

Only one more day left here and so far, every ones having fun...That is everyone but me! I've went to a few places with the school, and the girls, showed Cayden somethings but I've been sick 4 out of 7 days of being here. After the first 3 days it was like BAM sickness. I haven't gone to a doctor yet, I'm not really concerned. Its probably nothing. I had just seen the thing that was probably the main reason for me coming here, The London eye. I was always fascinated by the London eye. It was really pretty, and really big. Just like the pictures I had seen. I did miss home though. This place was amazing but nothing like home. Home was more comfortable. It was a different feeling here. I didn't like that after a week I still get lost trying to find my hotel. Its really annoying to me. But after today I won't have to worry about that. I'll be back home safe and sound. 

Amelia's P.O.V:

Heavens tried to stay inside the hotel more lately. She keeps saying shes sick but I don't buy it for a second. Isabella and I know she run into Caydens father the day we came here. Its not like shes hiding much. I mean we are her best friends, we can tell when somethings up and something is definitely up right now. We have had to practically drag her out of the hotel every time we wanted to see anything. We don't want her missing out on anything while we're here, its not like we can come to England everyday. Honestly I don't know why she never told Niall about his son. He needs to know. Yeah it may have been an accident on how he was made but come on that's his kid too and he may never even know it. Every time we try to convince her to tell him she makes up an excuse like "It will ruin his career.", "He won't want anything to do with Cayden", Or my personal favorite "He won't care, He has a life ahead of him, He doesn't have time to play the daddy role." If she only knew how stupid she sounded.  Yeah Niall does have a career in his little boy band, but he at least deserves to know. And maybe shes right that he won't want anything to do with little Cayden but at least he would know. She refuses to let him know though. Its a terrible thing. 

Isabella's P.O.V:

 Amelia's bugging. They both just need to breath and maybe drink a little I mean c'mon we leave TOMORROW at 7am. We may never get this chance again to come to England. Amelia doesn't think Heavens sick, but really I do. I've seen her sick but never like this. Yeah, so she seen Niall. Who cares? That isn't going to make her miss a whole weeks trip to a place she was so happy and excited to go to. Why can't they get over it. Amelia has hard feelings towards Niall because honestly Heavens want to tell him but every time she tries its just something that gets lost with his fandoms stuff and he never even looks at it. Now that Niall has her number though and they text a lot you would think things would get better but they won't. They'll have to find another way. I just hope she can keep taking care of her self and her child. She needs to not worry about Niall he will come around if he comes around. Everything happends for a reason Heaven has always told me that. It will be okay in the end. Damn she needs to stop stressing.

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