From Trip to Memories..(Niall Horan FanFic)

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Amelia's P.O.V:

Cayden was playing with the toys that Heaven had packed in his baby bag. We waited in the familiar waiting room with the same pinkish off white walls and white marble floors that  everyone in this small town had grown up going to for anything from a simple cold to finding cancers. This was a place I really didn't want to be at today but Heaven wanted to know what was wrong with her. Shes been sick as a dog for days on end, and by now she knew something just didn't seem right about it. I had to practically force her to come to the doctors though because she keeps brushing it off saying it was nothing and she'll get better in a day or two, She wasn't getting better though, she was getting worse. I dragged her here and I just hope she is okay. The three of us; Heaven, Cayden, and I, waited for the nurse to come out calling Heaven's name. It seems like the nurses here were purposely taking ages. I checked my phone for the time. Ten minutes since she filled out the information papers. Ten minutes. Oh my god. Why is this taking so bloody long? The last time she was here for her self it was the day she found out she was pregnant with Cayden. Ever since then shes only been back for Caydens appointments. Isabella and I went with her then. Now it was something different and they're taking longer. I don't see why thought were the only ones in the freaking office! it was us and a elderly women who we all know wasn't here to see the same Dr. Finally the nurses door opened and a red head nurse with spring like curls up in a pony tail wearing blue scrubs came out. We crossed our fingers it was for Heaven. "Heaven Brookside the Dr. will see you now just follow me." Her soft voice said dully. We all followed her and Heaven went in first. The nurse took her blood pressure and did her weight before taking us into a room with light blue walls and telling us the doctor would be in within a few minutes. Great waiting again. I hate doctors sometimes.

Heaven's P.O.V:

In a way...I am freaking out inside! I know that this isn't normal to be sick this long but I don't want to find out why I am sick. I don't want to know that there's a possibility that this could be more dangerous than I think and that my son may lose his mom if this was bad. The doctor came in and told us his name was Dr. Jayson Darrell. He was a younger doctor about in his early 20's at least or mid 20's and very attractive. He did some check up things and took a blood sample to check out and a swab of mucus from my throat to check out before asking a few questions. They finally said I could leave after a half hour of talking to Dr. Jayson Darrell. He showed me the way out and handed me a slip of paper and whispering in my ear; "Call me so we can talk about this later okay?" I just simply nodded my head and left. What did he mean by that? Why would he want me to call him? I look like absolute crap today. Then again it could just be about business. This is just weird and I feel like crap. When we arrived back home I got back into my pj's and jumped onto my bed. After a few minutes Amelia and Cayden burst through the door. Cayden jumped on my back trying to get me to get up. I felt the bed go down a little bit as Amelia sat down. "Mommy get up!" Cayden shouted. I pulled Cayden off of me. "Cayden, mommy doesn't feel good right now. Please go play." I told him sorta harsher then I planned to. He got up and stormed off over to where his mega blocks were. Amelia patted my back and I turned around to face her. "Hey are you going to call that doctor guy?" Was her first question. "Probably not." I answered her. She gave me 'the look'. "And why not?" was her second question. "Because why should I? Hes older than us..." I explained trailing off. She rolled her eyes. "Heaven, Sweetie, He was cute, young,and really liking you." She explained. Whatever. "fine I'll call him okay." I grabbed my jumper(hoddie) I was wearing at the doctors office and pulled out the paper. I grabbed my cell phone from the night stand and typed in the number. First I text it to make sure it was the right number.

In text:

Me: Hey is this Dr. Jayson Darrell by any chance?

Him: Why yes it is who is this?

Me: Oh its Heaven. Sorry If I am interrupting something. You wanted me to call?

Him: Oh yes, that's right. Well what are you waiting for dear? Go ahead and call!

Me: uh okay?

Back out of text: 

I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear. "Hello dear." The guys voice rang. "Hi, so why did you want me to call you?" I asked trying to get this phone call over with. "Awe yes. I wanted to know if when you feel better if you would like to come with me to dinner sometime. I know this great little place right next to-" I cut him off. "I'm sorry but I have to find out whats wrong with me first. Would you care to tell me that before telling me about going to dinner with you?" I asked trying to keep on the topic of why I came to see him in the first damn place. "Oh well yes that. Well actually I believe you have the Spanish influenza. Now this can be deadly but you can and I believe with today's technology you will be able to over come it." He explained calmly. Oh my god. "What? You know what never mind. What do I do?" I asked confused. "Well I have your prescription at the nearest pharmacy. Have someone come and get it but try to keep away from your son as much as possible so it doesn't spread to him. Okay?" he asked. "Fine I'll send Amelia now. Just text me okay bye." I hung up. "Amelia go pick up my prescription from the pharmacy please?" I half way asked. she agreed and I wrote down exactly what Dr.Jayson Darrell had texted me the name of the prescription was.

From Trip to Memories..(Niall Horan FanFic)(IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now