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( three days past )

Apple's POV

It's been three days but chanyeol didn't even smiled or laugh.
I heard that he can walk now.

I went to my room and lay down on my bed.
I saw this box, it was a familiar box to me so I opened it.

I opened it and saw some pictures of me and chanyeol.
And I saw this picture of us, chanyeol was holding an ice cream, while I put ice cream on his face.
We looked so cute. don't see this happy virus boy again!
So I'm doing my best to bring back exo's happy virus boy!

( next morning )

I decided to visit channie.

At the hospital

Hi channie!

Oh hi Apple

Aren't you happy to see your best *cough* friend *cough*

Are you sick?

No! It's *cough* nothing *cough*

Hey! You do have a cold, come here!


Said come here!


Why are you so pail, you looked like this three days ago!

No I'm not pail see I'm perfectly healthy!

Really! Wait here, the doctor said I can walk now! drink this!



Fine!........ Chanyeol can we go to the park?

Sure, come on!

Yey! Thank you channie!

At the park

Chanyeol brought his guitar with him!
We sat on the bench, and talk about life!

Then suddenly he grabbed his guitar!

Apple do you want to hear the song that I made?


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