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Camila's POV

I sigh as we enter our van to go straight to the studio to do some work. I sit at the very back seat by the window while Ally is sitting by the opposite window. Normani, Lauren, and Dinah all sat in front of Ally and I. While the girls carried on their conversation I plugged in my headphones to my phone and blasts music to my ears to block them out. 

That interview is finally done, thank God. I honestly don't get Lauren anymore, she knows how I get nervous being in interviews sometimes and she always told me to hold her hand or look at her for help. I tried doing that, I tried holding her hand but she literally pulled her hand back. 

I know this whole "camren" thing is getting to her, but what I don't understand is our fans ships her with the other girls as well and she never had any problem with that. But when it comes to me there's this?  It isn't fair at all, she was my bestest friend out of all the 4 girls other than Dinah and now I don't know even what they are to me anymore. Once Lauren started creating distance between Lauren and I for no reason she started hanging out more with Normani and Dinah. 

Their little group which people call DC3 or The Holy Trinity would be a group in high school that I'd never fit in. I just don't seem to fit in between these 3 and they honestly can run the world and I'd be kneeling in front of them with my jaw on the ground.  They had a major glo up and there's me who's acting like an 8 year old thinking about unicorns and this is probably why I don't quite fit in with them. 

I just hate changes, I hate that we all change one way our another and I hate how I'm not as close to the people I was so close to in this group anymore. It's annoying, It's frustrating, It's depressing. 

I don't think these girls even know how much I actually care and think about them.

I looked outside the window as the car stopped. 'great we're here,' I think to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love writing music and I love recording them as well, but sometimes I just honestly feel my opinion don't matter when it comes to these things. That's why I don't like going to the studio at times. 

I was the last one to get out the car and as I was closing the car's door I heard someone behind me say, "Camila?" I turn around and saw Lauren standing there. 

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