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I sigh as I leaned back on my bed resting my back on my headboard as I listen to one of the songs I just finished editing. I know that in a few minutes our fashion stylist is about to arrive and the chaos that today will bring will start and that's why I am still locked in my room just enjoying the few more minutes I have of alone time.

I just want a breather. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful and appreciative of our success as a girl group, never in a million years would I have thought that I would be in a successful girl group. Yeah, I'm doing great in that aspect of my life but in regards to my personal life, I just don't even know where I'm heading. Well, I sorta have an idea but even that idea scares me. I don't know what I'm doing and it's almost like I don't even know myself anymore.

I'm thankful that my mom is always where I am, she's my bestest friend and she's my rock, because of her I'm able to stay sane, because of her I stay grounded and humble. But with that, she can only help keep me in line to a certain extent.

When you're in the spotlight it's easy to forget who you truly are, especially when you're in a girl group and have so many people telling you what to do. It's like you're living two different lives. One life that fits the molding of our management for fifth harmony and another life that's just simply and plainly, me. That second life, that's where I'm lost and I'm trying my hardest to find myself.

I hit the spacebar of my laptop, pausing the song that I have been playing on a loop. I can hear people already gushing downstairs, signaling that everyone was probably already there.

As I was putting away my laptop, I heard a faint knock on my door before it opened and revealed my mom. "Hey Camilita, the stylist is downstairs" she said smiling softly at me. I nodded and grabbed my phone before following her out my room and heading downstairs.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I see all the racks of clothes and all the different high heels that are nicely presented on the floor. Everyone gathered around it as our stylist starts going through the different color scheme that they had brought for us to choose from. After about 20 minutes of us trying to choose our color scheme we were finally able to pick what we would like to wear. I picked my outfit and then I went to look for high heels that I would think would match it the most. After picking my whole outfit of the day, I laid it down on the couch besides everyone else's outfits. Our stylist and the assistants went ahead and made sure that the clothes had no creasing in it and making sure the shoes we picked were all clean.

After picking the outfits we were all assigned to chairs, I was getting my hair done first together with Dinah and Ally while Lauren and Normani was getting their makeup done first.

I was just on my phone replying to some people while everyone else broke out into conversations. Today barely started and I'm honestly just tired of it. I'm ready for a nap.

Today was filled with interviews after interviews, we're doing promotions for our new album 7/27. This week is literally filled with all promotions and then meetings and rehearsals. I am so badly craving vacation right now, but I know that won't be coming anytime soon.

After a few minutes our vocal coach had arrived and was doing vocal warm ups with us while we got ready. Then after what felt like forever we were all finally dressed to leave the house, we all marched to our van and as always I got in first sitting at the very back by the window.

I plugged my headphones on my phone and just blasted music. I guess that I ended up falling asleep on the ride to wherever we were headed because next thing I knew Dinah was shaking me lightly trying to wake me up.

"We're here babe" she said softly as I nodded at her. I take off my headphones fixing up my hair and pulling my headphones plug as I take my phone with me and got down the van. I was greeted by flashes and our harmonizers chanting "Fifth Harmony" over and over again.

I smiled and waved at them as I follow the girls into the building. I wish we had time to stop for them but I know our management would probably say no. Sigh, maybe later. As we entered the building we were greeted by many different people shaking our hands and introducing themselves. After a few turns I realized that our first stop was a radio station.

I sighed as I saw that I was the last one to choose a seat and to my unfortunate luck it just had to be right beside Lauren. I made my way to sit and as I sat down, I noticed Lauren whispering to Dinah and then they change spots resulting for Dinah to sit beside me.


That one hurt. I scoffed dryly seeing the exchange happened but I didn't realize how loud that came out gaining the attention of the two which made Lauren send me an apologizing smile which I ignored. Welp, at least I'm beside Dinah. After our interaction in the garden I'm hoping to rekindle the friendship we had before.



Wellllll that was boring but here's a new chapter finally!

I promise y'all that it'll start getting more and more interesting!

Comment down below what y'all would like to see on the next coming chapters, I have the next 2 chapters already written! 

Love y'all


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