Emma's Thirtieth Post

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EmmaSwan: Selfie with Snow! @ SnowWhite


SnowWhite: Yay!!!

RobinOfLocksley: So where are you guys at because neither Henry or I know?

ReginaOfLocksley: We're headed to the Charmings' because I don't think the Blind Witch appreciated us spending the week at Granny's

BlindWitch: No I did not

EmmaSwan: Yo has anyone tried getting a hold of Killian yet?

ReginaOfLocksley: Not yet, no

PrinceCharming: I can send him a CaptainFloor fan fiction to get him to respond

ReginaOfLocksley: DO IT

EmmaSwan: That might actually work......

PrinceCharming: Guess that's a yes, then

SnowWhite: I can't believe you agreed to that

EmmaSwan: Me neither

ReginaOfLocksley: @ RobinOfLocksley Where are you?

RobinOfLocksley: Almost there

ReginaOfLocksley: Okay

ReginaOfLocksley: Please hurry everyone else is annoying


EmmaSwan: HE'S ALIVE!!!!

ReginaOfLocksley: You sure about that?

CaptainHook: Swan, why did you let your dad write a CaptainFloor fan fiction?

PrinceCharming: I didn't write it; I found it online

EmmaSwan: KILLIAN!!!!

CaptainHook: EMMA!!!!!

LordOfTheUnderworld: SHUT UP!!!!!

WickedWitchOfTheWest: NO!!!!!

MissNimue: GO AWAY, HADES!!!!!

CallMeMeg: Why are you guys all shouting?

EmmaSwan: Megara?

WonderBoyHerc: Neal convinced us to make instagram account

HenryMills: YES

ReginaOfLocksley: Well now we know where Henry got his obsession for getting people to make Instagram accounts

EmmaSwan: Tbh I'm kinda disappointed Meg doesn't look like Maisie Williams...

CallMeMeg: Who is Maisie Williams?

SnowWhite: Doesn't matter

ReginaOfLocksley: Just ignore everything Emma, Henry, and Snow say about you

CallMeMeg: Okay...?

ReginaOfLocksley: Same goes for Hercules

WonderBoyHerc: But I like Snow

SnowWhite: Awww thanks 💕💕

PrinceCharming: Okay then

ReginaOfLocksley: Guess who has relationship problems now


LordOfTheUnderworld: Soon...

WickedWitchOfTheWest: NO

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