Mission Complete

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Jyushimatsu came out of the bathroom. He saw Karamatsu sitting at the table. He was breathing heavily. I see, Jyushimatsu thought. It wasn't an accident. Why is he doing this to himself? Jyushimatsu pondered at the thought. Then he realized. It's because of them, isn't it! Jyushimatsu gasped, covering his mouth, and his eyes began to water. He quickly wiped them, and put on his happy face. He sat next to Karamatsu, who didn't say anything about it.
Ichimatsu came home soon after. He saw Jyushimatsu sitting next to Karmatsu and scowled. "Hey Jyushimatsu," he said quietly. Jyushimatsu immediately got up, reacting out of habit to Ichimatsu's voice.
"Ichimatsu! You're home!" He ran to Ichimatsu and gave him a hug. He looked back at Karamatsu.
Karamatsu secretly watched Jyushimatsu fond over Ichimatsu. He was jealous. Of course he would choose Ichimatsu over him. He was trash, and his brothers would probably rather hang out with anyone but him. Ichimatsu decided to sit near the window. He thought Jyushimatsu would follow him, but he was wrong. Jyushimatsu came back to the table and sat right where he was sitting before. He was confused. Why was he doing this? Could he possibly have found out? No, Jyushimatsu isn't that perceptive, right? Then why did he choose him over Ichimatsu?
Jyushimatsu could see the confusion on Karamatsu's face. He had a lot of times where he had to read peoples emotions. Everyone thought he was stupid, but he knew he wasn't. They thought his smile was creepy and unreal. Maybe the unreal part was a little true, but he kept this face on to make his brothers happier. He decided to do something. He got up, and went to the pantry. He moved all the food out of the way, revealing a secret door in the back of the pantry. He opened up the door, revealing his stash of cookies. He took a few cookies, closed the hidden door and put all the food back. He skipped over to Karamatsu, and held out a cookie to him. "Cookie?" Karamatsu looked at the cookie, gave a small smile, and took it. He was secretly about to cry, because one of his brothers was being nice to him for once. He ate the cookie with a small smile.
Mission Complete, Jyushimatsu thought.

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