Chapter 35 ☆

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I heard something unfamiliar beeping beside my ears.

It's like...

The heart rate machine which you always see on the TV.

It sounds like that.

I took in sharp breath as I feel my head hurts when I'm trying to move.


I heard a male familiar voice as someone hold my hand.



Slowly, I got back to my conscious as I heard many voice now.

Not only one male's voice, but many.

And I can't understand any single words that they are saying.

They are speaking in Korean.


Another feminine voice whispered beside my ears as I slowly open up my eyes.

I blinked my eyes a few times.

"Finally you are awake Nic!"

She spoke to me in Chinese as I feel a force pulled me up by wrapping an arm on my shoulder.

I'm confused.

Who's that?

I'm so clueless now as I couldn't get a grasp of what's going on now.

"Nic, did you feel pain?"

She said to me when I try to raise my hand up slowly.

I can't feel my hand.

It's like I had been laying on the bed for a long time.

I heard my bones cracked at every time I'm trying to move.

"Who are you?"

I finally muttered out the question that I had been wanting to ask and she let go of me.

I blinked my eyes again as I feel there's something not right.

Why is it so dark here?

"I'm Jann. You can't remember me?"

I feel her waving her hand in front of my face as I was holding my hand up once again.

Her hand grabbed my hand.

She hold it tightly.


I mumbled as I feel something stings on my temples.




I mumbled in shock when I remember something.

My best friend, Jann.

How can I forget her?

"Yes, is me. You scared me Nic! I thought I lose you!"

She shouted the next moment as I feel some warm dropped on my face.

"I thought you will never wake up! How can you sleep for so long?!" She said while crying as she pulled me into her arms again.

"What happened to me?"

I asked once she calmed down as she helped me to sit up on the bed.

My hands are touching aimlessly on the bed as I try to find something to support myself up.

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