Chapter: Two

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Axel Hunters at the top


I awoke to the sound of soft snoring. My grey eyes slowly blinked, adjusting, to the darkness of the room. I looked over to THE corner and surprise surprise, Alpha Axel was there. I took this as a chance to look at him, like actually look at him. His hair was dishevelled like he ran his hands through it too many times, his long eyelashes ticked his his high cheek bones, and his pale lips were slightly open, causing a little snore to come out every once in a while. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, the tight white V neck t-shirt, loose black jeans, and a grey beanie. The beanie was slowly falling off with every slight movement he made. I suddenly had the urge to get up and fix it but that would be weird so I didn't. I let my eyes keep roaming until I came across his hips. His shirt had ridden up so you could see a sliver of his bare stomach but that was enough to get me going. My eyes travelled lower until they reached the waist of his pants. You could see just under half of his black Calvin Kline boxers, but his pants stopped before anything got revealed. I hadn't noticed he had woken up until I heard him clear his throat. I quickly snapped my eyes to his face. He had a smirk on and his eyes had a mischievous glint in them.

That cocky son of a biscuit was awake the whole time! I realized. I felt my face heat up as I averted my gaze, looking down at my hands which were placed in my lap.

Thank god it's dark in here. I thought. He can't see my face this way.

I heard a chair scrape against the clean tile floor and footsteps approaching. I got a wave of nervousness as he neared me. My hands were clammy and my whole body was hot, even though I had on a very thin gown and blankets. The footsteps stopped at my bedside table and he picked up my glass of water from the day before.

"Drink." He ordered. It scared me how assertive he was, so I did as I was told. I reached for the glass but my hands were so sweaty that it slipped right out of my grasp. I heard the glass shatter on the ground in front of Alpha Axel. I was scared. Not of him but of what he would do to me since I broke something of his. I quickly scrambled out of bed and onto the floor. I could feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I managed to get out. He didn't say anything, just stood there, watching me.

"Stop." I heard him say but I kept cleaning. I could feel a couple tears run down my face at this point.

"Stop." He said again, this time a little louder. My hands were shaking like a leaf during a thunderstorm as I picked up the glass. It had cut my hands a little as I picked it up so there was now blood added to the mess to clean up. Suddenly I was pushed back against the bed, a furious Axel above me.

"I said stop!" He almost yelled. I don't know why, but the thought of him yelling at me made me cry harder then I already was. His face softened when he saw the tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey. Hey I'm sorry." He cooed while pulling me into his embrace. I grabbed on to his shirt and balled it into my fists. He rubbed my back in a circular motion while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. This little action of his seemed to calm me down to the point where I was just sniffling and shaking in his arms.

"I-I'm so s-sorry." I whispered. He gave me a confused look.

"For what, little one?" He asked in a soft voice. I tried to calm myself down before answering.

"I g-got your shirt d-dirty and I didn't li-listen to you." I whimpered pathetically. I felt a few more tears escape my eyes as I felt him raise his hand. I flinched away again, still unsure if I could trust him, but I didn't feel a slap on my cheek, I felt his gentle hand on the side of my face, making me look up at him.

"Hey it's all right. I'm not mad. I'm sorry for yelling at you, little one. It's not your fault. I knew you were weak but I made you take the glass anyways. And now look at you. Your hurt." He stated, grabbing my hands and flipping them over so he could see the bloodied palm. I winced slightly as he did this, hoping he wouldn't notice. But he did.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I should call the doctor." He mumbled, standing. I shook my head, standing up with him and wringing my arms around his neck, silently asking to be in his embrace. I guess he wasn't expecting that because he jumped away from just me. I felt hurt by his actions so I sat on the bed, casting my gaze downwards. I heard him sigh before he came to me, picking me up and wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms automatically went around his neck as my face dove into his shoulder. I could feel his breath on my ear as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting that." He muttered softly before kissing my ear. I gasped at the sparks I felt as his lips touched me. He pulled back and smirked at me, knowing fully well that he could do that. I playfully glared at him before placing my head back in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. He smelled like pine and mint.

Where have I smelled this before? I asked myself. I knew I've smelled it before, I just don't know where.

"God you smell so good." Axel groaned. I blushed, no knowing if I was supposed to hear that so I pretended I didn't. I could feel one of his hands playing with the hair on the nape of my neck, making sparks fly whenever his fingers made contact with my skin and to be honest, it felt good.

"Do you want to lay down? My legs are getting tired." He quietly asked me. My brain automatically went to he thinks your heavy, let go. So I let go of his neck and asked for him to put me down.

"Why?" He wanted to know.

"Because I'm h-heavy." I said, avoiding his gaze. He grabbed my chin and turned my head to look him dead in the eyes.

"You. Are. Not. Heavy." He growled. "Why would you even think that?" I thought about it. I was around 145lbs . and I was 5'10" so I wasn't fat, I was just insecure.

"I just um, I just feel like I-I'm bigger than everyone else. My dad always t-told me that I was fat." I sniffled at the thought of my dad. He left me and my mom when I was 7. He's been gone 9 years and I haven't seen him once. I looked at Axel and his eyes were no longer the beautiful hazel, they were bright yellow.

"Whoa... What's wrong with your eyes?" I asked, not wanting to upset him with me insulting him by accident.

"Fuck!" He said, dropping me onto the ground and turning away from me. I landed on my butt with an "oomph" and looked up to see Axel sitting with his head in his hands in the chair. I slowly crawled towards him.

"What are you?"


Second chapter done! Kinda dramatic chapter but whatever. Give me feed back! I love hearing from you guys!

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