Chapter Nine

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Luke Morris at the Top 


I woke up, only to find myself in someone's arms. For a minute I had a mini panic attack, but then remembered that I must have fallen asleep on the drive back. I felt someone's hand brush my hair out of my face, and the sparks that followed only confirmed my suspicions. Axel.

"Hey sleepyhead. Have a nice nap?" He was looking at me with his amazing green eyes and I couldn't help but bring my hand up to his cheek. He looked shocked for a second before leaning his face into my touch. I smiled.

"Your gonna be the death of me Luke." I felt the heat rise to my own cheeks as he pressed a kiss to my palm.

"A-Axel!" I laughed quietly.

He smiled back at me. "Come on, it's nearly time for bed and I still need to talk to my brothers. I trust that you can find your way up to the bedroom?" I nodded my head.

"Good. I will be with you in a few minutes. You can find a shirt and some pants of mine to wear to bed." He kissed the top of my head before putting me down and walking off to find Lake and Cayson. I found myself wandering down the halls of his house, looking for the correct room.

Finally after hours of searching (more like 15 minutes) I found our room. Just as I was about to grab the door knob, hands wrapped around my waist.

"Did it take you this long to find our room?" Axel's deep voice surprised be before I relaxed into his embrace.

"Y-yea. I - um I got lost." I blushed looking at my feet. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"Come on then. I'll grab you some of my clothes."

I shook my head, confused. "But I g-got my own today?" He grinned at me.

"Yes, but I like having you in my clothes. It tells people you are mine." And with that he scooped my up into his arms and threw me onto the bed. I laughed as I bounced a couple times before settling on my back, my arms propping me up to look at Axel as he moved around the room. I could see his muscles move every time he moved to grab something.

"You like what you see?" He smirked at me.

I covered my eyes and hoped he didn't notice the blush spreading across my cheeks. "N-no!" I squeaked out.

"Are you sure?" He asked before taking off his shirt. I squealed before hiding my face in the covers by my legs. He chuckled before throwing some clothes at me.

"Feel free to change out here babe. I won't mind."

Oh my god!! He called me babe again!!

I shook my head quickly before running into the bathroom and changing into Axel shirt, leaving my boxers on. He gave me a shirt and no pants. I walked back into the room and gave Axel the most unimpressed look I could muster. Throwing my clothes into the hamper outside of the bathroom, I walked towards Axel, a still shirtless Axel wearing nothing but his grey Calvin Klein boxers, who was watching me from the bed with his legs oped and his back propped up against the headboard, and stood in front of him with my arms crossed. He gave me a dimpled smile.

"What?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"You know what." I grumbled, climbing on the bed so I was on my knees in between his legs. His eyes searched my face, as mine did to him, before coming to a stop on my lips. His eyes switched from beautiful green to bright gold. I gulped.

"A-Axel? You okay?" I nervously asked.

A low growl sounded from his throat before he pulled me forwards so my hands were on either side of his narrow hips, and my face was mere inches from his. I could feel his warm, minty breath on my parted lips. I subconsciously licked them, which did not go unnoticed by Axel.

"Luke, my self control is hanging by a thread so if you don't want me to do anything, tell me now." He said in a husky voice. I leaned closer to him, ever so slightly, and looked him in the eyes.

"Kiss me." I whispered, shocking myself as well as him.  But never the less, he did just that. His mouth found mine in an instant. It wasn't a soft kiss either. His soft lips moved roughly in sink with mine before his tongue came out and lightly traced my bottom lip before playfully biting it. I gasped at the sparks that he emitted and the feeling he was giving me and he took his as a chance to push his tongue through my lips. We fought for dominance, he won of course, and then he explored my mouth with his, touching every inch and committing it to memory. Then it hits me. He was kissing me! Really kissing me! His tongue slid against mine, burning with passion. He tasted like mint, and a little bit of vanilla. Heavenly. His hands found my waist as mine fisted his silky brown hair. We kissed for who knows how long but I was running out of breath, and he seemed to notice so he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, panting slightly. His lips were swollen and his cheeks were flushed a light pink. It made him look... hot to say the least. I blushed, thinking about what just happened. I raised my hand to trace my lips, the feeling of his pressed against mine still lingered. Axel then smiled so wide, it must have hurt. His pearly white teeth were on display for me to envy. I've never seen him so happy, in the 2 days I've known him at least.

"Wow..." I finally breathed out. He laughed before laying down, pulling me to his side. I felt the full extent of our kiss as my leg accidentally pressed between his legs while I was trying to get comfortable. My eyes widened and I blushed even more.

"Wow indeed, little one." My wide eyes found his gold ones which were slowly fading back to green.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I will do far more than just kiss you." He growled. I gasped then hid my face in his side, blushing like a school girl who just had her first kiss.

Well you just did idiot.
Yes but I'm not a girl.

He chuckled before pulling me up so my face was level with his.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything you don't ask me to. I'll wait for you." He pressed a gentle kiss to my temple before pulling my back flush against his front.

"Good night my love." He whispered into my ear.

I smiled. "Good night Axel."


Authors Note:

I Updated! Finally. I got some inspiration and BAM. Lol dont forget to comment and vote. 

- DC

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